This is MBTI Day. You can take the following test and let me know what your type is. I'm an ENFP; Capybaras United is an INFP; Lora is an INFJ; Carpe is an ENFJ. (I guess I'm seeing an NF trend here. We're all idealists.)

This is what D and I had for lunch:

Baked Couscous with Spinach and Pine Nuts (thanks, Jeanne Lemlin!)

1 c. couscous
1 1/2 c. boiling water
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 c. olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 large onion, diced
1 28-oz. can diced tomatoes, drained (reserve 1/3 c. juice)
1 1/2 Tbsp minced fresh basil, or 1 tsp dried
1/3 c. pine nuts
5 c. (about 5 oz.) loosely packed fresh spinach, stems removed and leaves torn into small pieces
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 c. grated Muenster cheese

1. Combine the couscous, boiling water, and salt in a large bowl; cover with a plate. Let sit 5 minutes, then fluff with a fork.
2. Preheat the oven to 375 F. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Saute the garlic and onion 10 minutes, or until tender. Add the drained tomatoes and cook 10 minutes more, stirring frequently.
3. Stir the tomato mixture into the couscous and mix in the reserved tomato juice, basil, pine nuts, raw spinach and pepper.
4. Spread half the couscous mixture in a 12 X 7 X 2-inch or other shallow (2 1/2 qt) baking dish. Sprinkle on the cheese, then top with the remaining couscous. Cover the dish with foil and bake 25 minutes, or until hot and bubbly.

You can also make the whole thing 24 hours in advance, then cook it.

Yay for Aimee Mann. Her CD Bachelor No. 2 has real staying power.


Anonymous said…
Lora said…
Actually almost all the personal blogs I follow are NF's

BTW I'm doing some updates and you are going in my sidebar.
Bearette said…
Carpe, you changed to ENFP?

Thanks Lora :)
Anonymous said…
I'm an ENFP too!
Bearette said…
I knew it! :)
Anonymous said…
I'm a INFJ, which is probably why I enjoy your and Lora's sites so much. :)
Bearette said…
hi INFJ! i think that is the rarest type, by the way...or one of them...
Bearette said…
oh, you are the one with awesome brownies. your blog fills me with food lust ;)

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