Vegetable personalities

At the risk that you'll all think I'm nuts...but heck. I was getting cauliflower ready for dinner and it occurred to me that vegetables have different personalities. In my mind, anyway.

Zucchini: the most agreeable of vegetables. It blends in with everyone, but it's never obsequious or false to itself.

Sweet potatoes: the grandmother of vegetables. Very cozy and welcoming.

Cauliflower: kind of bland, devoid of personality, but it could surprise you sometimes. Like a dull guy who occasionally tells a funny joke at the water cooler.

Broccoli: feisty. Like a terrier.

Spinach: kind of dour, but a loyal friend.

Kale: has a fierce sense of individuality, but like spinach, is a loyal friend. Kale's affections last for life.

Corn: this one is kind of a party animal. Corn is still drinking beer and making a mess when you'd like to be closing up.

Tomatoes: a little sloppy. The kind of vegetable that needs to be reminded to tuck its shirt into its pants.

Cabbage: not invited to my party.

Eggplant: that girl you don't like, but you're not sure why.

Carrots: sweet and buoyant, like a toddler.


Caro said…
I love that list. You are a good judge of character! :)
Bearette said…
Hee ;) I'm glad my vegetable assessments weren't off base :)
Lora said…
Makes me want to categorize them by their Myer-Briggs.
Bearette said…
hee! very creative. maybe the zucchini is extroverted though? i agree with all the others ;)
Bearette said…
i am also relieved that you still have time to blog!
SK said…
As long as they all make friends in my cookware and in my tummy! :)
Lisa said…
I am not a cauliflower!

And I think you're a little off on poor dear cabbage. I think cabbage is like that slightly insecure, socially awkward person who just needs a little guidance and wardrobe help.
Elsa said…
That's pretty darn creative, bearette24! I'll never look at my vegetables the same way again.
Bearette said…
Lisa, what vegetable should you be? Maybe jicama? ;)
SK said…
Oooh,, the jicama! Overlooked and underappreciated.. but fresh, delightfully tasty and can be spiced up with the right ingredients.
Anonymous said…
I love the tomato part. Sloppy indeed!
verniciousknids said…
The next thing you need to do is create a quiz...What vegetable are you?
Bearette said…
heh. i'd like to think i'm a sweet potato. or a carrot. or even a beet.

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