Waterbugs, etc.

I saw a big waterbug in the lobby when I came home from yoga. It was red with long legs. It was disgusting! They just don't have bugs like this where I come from (Danvers, MA). My sister taught at Rice in Houston for a while and they got BIG BUGS there too. She told me how she dropped her phone book on a bug and then it looked like a Junior Mint. She also told me a fantastic (in the unbelievable sense) story about a guy who went to the hospital - one of her colleague's sons or something - with a weird feeling in his head. Turns out a bug crawled into his ear when he was sleeping...then crawled out the other ear. I don't know whether to believe it or not.

On a more pleasant note, yoga was good tonight. I hate the subway ride to and fro this center, which is far away. J (the teacher) is the reason to go there. Today we did a pose with the soles of our feet together, then opened them as far as we could. Mine opened pretty much all the way, so the soles of my feet were facing the ceiling and the insides of my feet were touching, and J was like, "Yay! It's happening!"

Then we did a straddle pose and leaned our torsos forward between our legs. J kneeled behind me and pressed me down to deepen the stretch. I realized I never felt someone's baby against my back before. It felt like a water balloon, but kind of miraculous :) Here I am, getting all cheesy about the miracle of life ;)

I made a sweet potato, black bean and corn concoction for dinner that wasn't as good as it could have been. (But good enough to eat.)

D's friend DG, from Chicago, is moving into the city. So we'll probably see him this weekend. I wonder if he's still with his girlfriend.


Anonymous said…
Waterbugs! girlpleez...we got bugs in nh like ya read about! thank dogs for off!

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