What novel should you write?

Hmm...not really a surprise. I got this here, and she got the same result. You can take it yourself here...and let me know what you get :)

By the way, I had been reading a blog, http://bonnieferguson.blogspot.com, and then one day I tried to go there and it was gone. I wonder what happened. Can people get kidnapped in the blogosphere? Oh nooo...

Sorry, I think I'm mildly delirious because I got to sleep around 5:30 and woke up around 10:50.

"What Kind of Novel Should I Write? " - Results:
CHICK LIT! - Sweet, funny and sarcastic. You are driven to write of real world career girls with just a touch of romantic fantasy. Will a handsome executive walk into your Heroine's life? Will your Heroine ever reach that corner office in the sky? You broke your teeth on Cosmo magazine and Sex in the City is your inspiration!


Anonymous said…
"LITERATURE! - You have a story... Oh yes you do! You are not quite sure what it is, but it burns! It burns to be poured onto the page! Write! Write I say! And thrill us with your unique view of the world. YOU are your own inspiration!"

...I have to say though, I was disappointed with their 'which books and movies do you have the most of' selections.

ps your pigeon looks fab!
Lora said…
MYSTERY! - Who-dunnit? And How? And Why? Your inquiring mind understands the secret workings of the villainous murderer and thief. You feel the need to build a puzzle so complex, and a villain so unsuspected that you leave the reader gasping in shock on the last page. Darryl Hammett and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are your guides.

Odd I don't even read the genre.
Bearette said…
I don't usually read mystery either, but I recently read The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency and it was awesome. You might want to check it out :)

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