Wow, New York is not even mentioned...

American Cities That Best Fit You:

60% Chicago
60% Honolulu
60% Seattle
55% Los Angeles
55% Philadelphia


Anonymous said…
I got:

70% San Francisco
70% Washington, DC
65% New York City
65% Philadelphia
60% Boston

Washington, DC, my ass.

Bearette said…
hey lobo!
Anonymous said…
So I got..
65% Washington, DC
60% Los Angeles
55% Atlanta
55% Boston
55% Honolulu
totally bizarre. Aparently they don't think there's anywhere compelling for me to live. btw. Thanks for posting today bearette24. I love your dog talk too. Wanted to be more original designwise, but you picked the only cool one. See you soon! T
Anonymous said…
websense strikes again!

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