Lobo's bicep

Warning: this post contains 2 mini-rants.

One is about blondes. Lobo mentioned at lunch that he felt blondes get higher ratings than they deserve on hotornot.com. He said brunettes and redheads get high ratings too, but it's because "they're really good looking." What's so freakin' special about blondes? D has this friend who always raves about them. I'm tired of it. Also, I have to ride by a strip club to get to the bike path. There are currently pictures of 3 sleazy blonde women on the outside of the strip club. Could we have some equality in the sex industry, please?

Rant #2. One of our friends just sent an email inviting us to the beach this weekend. One option is Saturday afternoon, when I'll be seeing a movie with T. The second option is Sunday afternoon. That day I have to go to a shower for D's cousin's fiancee. He's exempt because he's male. If he gets to go to the beach while I have to go to this shower...well, life is NOT FAIR, that's all I got to say.


Anonymous said…
the beach is over-rated....what happens at the beach is this; you tromp through the sand, and sweat, find a place to park yourself...then you get all your stuff sandy, and you sweat, then you lay out all your sandy stuff, you lay on the sandy stuff, all sweaty, and sweat....then you go into the water, rinse off all the sand, then you go back all wet, and lay on your sandy stuff, and then you get sandy...and you sweat....repeat ad nauseum....i can live without the beach indefinitely
Bearette said…
hehe :) but you like the beach in miami, right?
Anonymous said…
same story, different beach...i liked it while i was in the drink though(-=

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