A preview of my summer

On July 22, I'm going home to Danvers, MA to be with my family for a certain dark birthday. I may put up photos from D's pocket PC. We don't have a digital camera (well, D has a cheap one, at his office) but the pocket PC is smaller and easier to carry around.

On July 31, I have to go to a wedding shower. Ugh.

Right after that, we will probably go to San Francisco! Gives me an ironclad excuse to leave the shower early ;) I may put up pictures then too.

Oh, and the yoga school information meeting is July 15th! I hope I get in. It will be so fun. I will put up little tidbits that I learn, unless they swear us to yoga secrecy or something.


Anonymous said…
good luck with the yoga thingy!
Wedding showers - ugh! I'd rather eat fiberglass...well, not really - but they do tend to be horrific yucky uber-feminine displays. I many be girly, but come on folks - enough with the pink bows already. :)
Lora said…
I'm thinking you may have posted a comment to my blog under the wrong account, because it sounded more like your "voice" then that of your "Rodent Of Unusual Size" friend.

ENFP makes sense. Close friend and roomate from college is an ENFP. Love her to death, but she ran me ragged. Sounds like you are going to be quite busy.
Bearette said…
Oh, Capybaras United is my husband :) Maybe our voices are similar...He did post a comment to your account this morning. He took the political quiz, but I only took the psych quiz.

I must confess I took it twice - short form and then long form - b/c I wasn't happy with my answers on the short form. There, I've come clean.

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