Eat, knit and be happy

So I went to knitting class today. It was a lot of fun. The knitting cafe was buried deep in the Village, further south than I tend to go, but I found it after a little bit of exploring. The cafe itself was just adorable. Their motto is the title of this post. There was a counter where they sold brownies, tea and other goodies (my attention was caught and held by the nice, thick, chocolatey brownies).

Two other women showed up for the class. One of them just got a part in a student-written play (she was maybe in her 40s) and had to knit in a scene while arguing with her husband. She wanted to be able to knit convincingly. The instructor commended her for this, noting that often in the movies when people are supposed to be knitting, they're not doing it right and it takes her out of the story ;)

Knitting is surprisingly easy if someone teaches you live. As the teacher put it, "Everyone walks out a knitter." I had my doubts at first, because the Internet instructions weren't very clear to me. But when she demonstrated in person, it was easy as pie. The next (and last) session is a week from today. They also have an advanced class which I might take afterward. You learn to knit on circular needles (literally shaped like circles) and other fun, dangerous things ;)

Anyway, here is what I made today. It's intentionally narrow; the teacher had us make it 12 stitches wide.


Roxanne said…
Yay! I get my first hands-on lesson this Friday. I had thought that it would be easier to learn from an actual person rather than from a book. Your stitches look very uniform!
Bearette said…
It's definitely easier :) Thanks!
This suzy said…
Look at you go! :)
Anonymous said…
Maybe you can make Alex a wee scarf. :)
Staci said…
I've always wanted to try that, but never have. Have you heard of stitch and bitch?

Kind of like a generation Y knitting thing.
Bearette said…
That would be adorable! i think red would complement his coloring ;)
Irene said…
Happy knitting, beautiful! You're doing great. =)
Bearette said…
Irene - thanks! :)

Brynne - i never heard of it before. i am gen X though ;)
Anonymous said…
It's an addictive hobby. I just started about a month or two ago, too. I'm jealous that you have an in-person instructor. There are no knitting classes in my area :(
Roxanne said…
I've found a few very cute doggie sweater patterns. I thought of Alex when I saw them. :)
Bearette said…
They had a book at the cafe called Knitting for Dogs...very cute.
Anonymous said…
I would like to see pictures of the adorable knitting cafe. :)
Bearette said…
I'll try to remember my camera the next time. The brownies will probably be captured on film ;)
Elsa said…
That is so cool, Bearette! It sounds like a lot of fun. It's always great to learn something new and crafty. I can't wait to see the finished result.

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