Dare I say it?

I don't like Harry Potter. D reads every single book in the series. I tried the first one but I just found it flat and dull.

I was getting worried I was the only one until I found a comment from Steph T. on Bonnie Ferguson's blog, http://bonnieferguson.blogspot.com.



Anonymous said…
I guess you feel in the minority on this one eh, bearette24? :) I love the books but hey it's cool that everyone has their own tastes.
Anonymous said…
IMHO the first one is no masterpiece. As you read several they gain momentum.

--Lobo (a Slytherin?)
Bearette said…
Hmm, I know it's important to keep an open mind. I wouldn't be surprised if I got into the books years later. That's what happened with Friends (I got into it around the 4th season) and Sex and the City (3rd season).

Desperate Housewives, though...I was watching that right from the beginning :)
Anonymous said…
Yay! I'm back on the blogwagon. I have to say I *adore* Harry Potter, though I was relatively late in coming to it. (Took me till after Book 4 came out.) Incidentally, I also hated Sex and the City and Friends until after they were cancelled. And I'd say our tastes were pretty similar, except I also liked the latest Batman.
Can't wait to do you spicy kalepenne (sans parm).
ps think you'd like Siddhartha actually, but I've been wrong before
Anonymous said…
I, too, am a Potter-lover. I wanted to ask you for some book recommendations...we're taking a long road trip soon, and I always like to stop at the library first. Any great YA or chick-lit books to get me started on the genres?
Bearette said…
Sure :) I love so many chick lit and YA books it's hard to start. The Traveling Pants series (Ann Brashares) is awesome. So are the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (Louise Rennison). I also liked Dixieland Sushi by Cara Lockwood. The Yoga Mamas by Katherine Stewart was fun. Also The Frog Prince by Jane Porter.

Carolyn Mackler is a really good YA auhor - I've read Love and Other Four-Letter Words and I'm currently reading The Earth, My Butt and Other Big, Round Things (both by her). For sheer silliness, I like 32AA and Call Waiting by Michelle Cunnah. Jennifer Weiner, who wrote Good in Bed, In Her Shoes and Little Earthquakes, is also super.
Bearette said…
Yeah, I didn't like the first movie, which D wanted to go to, so I bailed out on the rest. I tried reading the first book but couldn't get into it.

I like Anna Maxted, even though her books are sad sometimes...
Reighnie said…
I like Harry Potter, in fact I typically like series because it gives me something to keep track of without all the pressure of real life things I need to keep track of. :-)

My friend is completely into Harry Potter. She convinced me to dress up in black robe and wizard's hat and go to the movie like that. I have to admit, it was fun. She bought me a little wand with a red glowing light on the end. The atmosphere at those movies before is really relaxed and fun. I was surprised. I thought we would be the only foolish ones there but we weren't. We met a lot of nice people.

Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events isn't that bad either. I wish they hadn't made a movie. I think the best part about these books is the introduction of new words and the definitions that follow them and then a brief explanation as to how it pertains to the situation. Also, trying to piece together all the clues as to who Lemony Snicket really is...
Lora said…
I've got mine preordered! I movies I'm indifferent to, but I really enjoy the books. I echo that they do get better as they do along.

Thanks for your "hug" It's going to be a touch weekend. I just wish my Grandfather didn't have to go though all of this.

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