Gross biking incident

Tonight D and I went out to the Hudson River bike path. He went north, I went south and all went smoothly until I was on my way back to the apartment.

Although the path itself is quite nice, there is no beautiful way to get there, and you have to pass a strip club, etc. Anyway, while I was on that savory block, an ENORMOUS rat shot out in front of my bike. I braked and swerved to the left. Somehow I fell off my bike and fell onto the pavement. Two bouncers and a woman who may or may not have been a stripper were staring at me, open-mouthed.

A man who was walking nearby with a red case in his hand said, "Are you all right? You shoulda run him over. You woulda killed him!"

That's what I was trying not to do :) And was the rat even grateful? Probably not. :(

My right palm was pretty much unscathed. My left palm has one of those cuts with dirt and blood mixed in. I just washed it and applied about a pound of antibiotic ointment and a band-aid. Couldn't the rat have just waited? I'm vegetarian, for pete's sake. I would have done it no harm.


Anonymous said…
Bearette24! I'm so glad you are ok and were not more injured or otherwise done in by rats! Oddly, Betty, Charlie and I were strolling in Hudson River Park around the same time.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Capybaras. It was very kind of you to swerve. I'm sorry you got hurt, though!
Anonymous said…
The things we vegetarians will do for rodents! Once a group of students rushed to the reference desk to tell me there was a mouse under a study carrel. I spent thirty minutes chasing and wrangling the mouse into a trash can while the students cheered. He was released into the woods, badly shaken but otherwise okay.
jules said…
Ew RATS - my worst silly fear! I know exactly where you were. I'm assuming it was still light out?! How huge we talkin'?! Glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly! I admit I haven't taken my bike out in years. If that was me, my 1st concern would be where is the rat and to get off the ground as quickly as possible! I imagine I'd barley be able to ride a bike afterward!
Bearette said…
Pretty huge. Maybe the size of a little kid's foot? It was dark but the strip club street (28th, between 11th and 10th, I think) was well-lit. I wish there was a nicer way to get to the bike path :(

Haven't seen any rats since though.
Bearette said…
I'll never see the cookies quite the same way again ;)

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