I'm feeling better about my novel (the one I'm writing). I kinda feel like I should call it a story. It's about 74 pages at this point. So...story. It's less intimidating. I've written novel-length pieces before, but never anything I've loved.

I think this one has potential. I think it's funny and engaging. It's not perfect, but I have time to revise it. So I'll keep going. I like the characters.

D is out bike riding. I think I will either keep reading The V Club (a cute YA book) or watch When Harry Met Sally.

I really want a puppy. I saw a Yorkshire terrier with a little ponytail on the top of its head today. I kind of wanted to steal it.

It was interesting, in yoga class today I was next to a teacher, who was taking the class as a student. I was shocked to see that she couldn't get her head on the mat during straddle and that she had to use a block in many poses, including the half-moon. There's a physical final at the end of yoga school, before you get certification, and I just assumed you would need to be able to do those things.

I miss Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. I have a soft spot for one of the doctors. It's the guy who likes Meredith (Ellen Pompeo). He's kind of gawky and sweet. On Desperate Housewives, my favorite character is Gabrielle (Eva Longoria), but she's pretty ruthless.

I heard that for the next season of The Apprentice, Donald Trump might pit black and white candidates against each other (i.e., an all-black team and all-white team). I think he has gone too far...


Bearette said…
Both! Actually, just a puppy because I sated the cookie urge today :)
Lora said…
I so want a kitten, but I'm allergic.
Liz said…
i want a puppy too.
Anonymous said…
WHMS is one of my favorite movies EVER. So many classic lines! So to tie together the WHMS and puppy themes I offer this gem:

Harry: "You know how a year to a person is like seven years to a dog?

Sally: Is one of us supposed to be a DOG in this scenario?

Harry: Yes.

Sally: Who is the dog?

Harry: You are.

Sally: I am? I am the dog? I am the dog?
Bearette said…
And that's when they're yelling at each other in the kitchen at the wedding, right? Carrie Fisher's wedding. I actually didn't end up watching it last night, but I remember it :)

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