Today has been eventful already. I was up till 3 am last night, for reasons unknown to anyone including myself, and entertained myself by looking at pics of Lora's new house. Nobody else had posted anything new at that ungodly hour so I went back to bed, woke up at 8 (????) and went to an early yoga class. I dropped my iPod (which is now dead, as well as my food processor, but may be under warranty) and broke up a fight on the way to yoga. I was walking past a nearby design school and saw 2 guys sparring. One was much bigger than the other. Then the bigger one grabbed the smaller one and really started whaling on him. I looked around desperately for someone big enough to pull the bigger guy away and saw 2 security guards. I yelled, "Officer, there's a fight over there!" and they came running over and broke it up. I was really, really, really relieved.

Anyway, yoga was really nice. Headstand is starting to feel easier for me, though I still need the wall. Hopefully I will be able to kick up into handstand and forearm stand without assistance someday ;)

Last night we went to Surya, a really nice Indian restaurant in the Village, so we could see the Village parade. I went a little later than D because he and M wanted to watched the parade before dinner. I got to the resto and no one was there except DG. D and M got stuck in traffic and my friend T did also. Eventually everyone got there, by 9:20 or so (we were supposed to meet at 8:30).

Anyway, here are some pics from the subway, parade and restaurant. Everyone was very nice about letting me take their picture. BTW, the vampire had flashing red teeth, but they did not come out in the photo.


Lora said…
What fun!
Caro said…
Do you ever dress up anymore? That guy in the scream mask and no coat looks like he should be CHILLY.

Also, you have very healthy fridge contents. I have one shelf with three pounds of butter and a pumpkin pie on it. I think my famous corn casserole is on another shelf. Yeesh. No pics of my fridge. Too scary.
Bearette said…
hehe, i kinda want to see the corn casserole though! it sounds super rich.

i almost never dress up...i did the pigtail and bracelet thing for the Halloween kirtan (basically a Sanskrit concert at my yoga center, we're supposed to go to one), but that was it. when i was little, i liked dressing up as Garfield, Strawberry Shortcake and all that.
Caro said…
I remember when Strawberry Shortcake was at the height of her popularity. I even remember the Purple Pieman.

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