Lish has a post about blogoholism and how she felt she was very, very sick. She has a link to the test, but I'm afraid to take it ;)

We went to Surya last night. I started getting really strong tummy pains after I ate (might be because I eat REALLY FAST unless I make a conscious effort to slow down). We got some Pepcid AC (over-the-counter now) on the way home. It didn't kick in till we got home, but once it did, it was quite effective.

Other than the pains, dinner was good. J finds his job boring but seemingly tolerable. We asked him about his training program and he said, "It's so boring, I don't even want to talk about it." I guess that's insurance law for you.

D is taking the bus to the Poconos today for his father's 65th birthday party. He's coming back tomorrow. So I'll be having a girls' night out after yoga with my friend TN from NJ. She had a birthday yesterday too (D's father is celebrating a day late). TN hopes 28 will be better than 27. She's younger than me; she was on my hall when I was a senior. I refused to live off-campus that year because I liked this particular residence hall and my freshman/sophomore roommate did too, so we both got singles in the same building. It is now rumored to have bats.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to name my kids Peter, Valerie and Angela. I don't think I would use any of those names now. Halley's Comet became visible in 1985 or 1986, when I was in 5th grade, and we had to do a little time capsule about our hopes and plans for the future, to be opened the next time Halley's Comet comes. The teacher said we'll be 80 then.


Caro said…
I remember when I liked Valerie a lot. Actually it would be a good name still, because not everyone's kid would have it.

I'm not a blogaholic according to the def's but I do try to be first to post on Old Hoss. I wonder if he has seen that list.
Bearette said…
Now I'm wondering if I should take it ;) I fear that I am, because it cuts into my reading time.
bdogg_mcgee said…
See, I have a thing against Valerie, because a childhood schoolmate was named Valerie and she was always mean to me. That and her mother criticized my shoes at one point, calling them ugly.

Funny how certain names can elicit negative responses, based on life experiences.
Bearette said…
Totally. That is why my husband is opposed to Daisy. He knew a mean Daisy at his school. Valerie and her mother sound like meanies!

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