So I'm hoping to see Pride and Prejudice soon. I don't know if it will be as good as the 6-hour, but fast-paced, BBC version. If you're an Anglophile and you haven't seen it, you should. And that means you, Bdogg :)

I like Keira Knightley, though Elizabeth Bennet is supposed to be plainer than her sister Jane, and I doubt "plain" and "Keira" have ever appeared in the same sentence before. I have qualms about the male lead. Darcy is supposed to have presence! A strong, grumpy personality that later melts! I can't even remember this new actor's name. Come on, Colin. Play Darcy again.

In an unrelated note, I think Charlize Theron looks really cool with black hair.


Anonymous said…
I don't think I'll be viewing P&P anytime soon, considering I'm still recovering from having to read it my senior year in high school.
Bearette said…
Interesting! I would have pegged you as an Austen fan.
Caro said…
I think I rented "Sense and Sensibility" once. Was it the one with Alan Rickman? Lord, I'm hopeless.

Charlize Theron looks much prettier with black hair, not as plain.
Bearette said…
I think Alan Rickman *was* in that. See, you're not hopeless ;)

I never knew what the fuss was about Charlize before. The black really suits her.
Anonymous said…
I am currently listening to P&P on CD in my car. I would like to see the movie!

I read that the director told Keira that he wanted her, but that he was afraid she was too pretty. Then when he saw her in person, he said, "Oh, no, you'll be fine."

She wasn't sure how to take that. ;-)
Bearette said…
OMG, that's terrible. I'm glad she got the job, though.

Apparently someone offered to give her a nose job once. Can you imagine? I think she's one of the prettiest actresses in Hollywood.
Anonymous said…
I like Keira, but man, could she stop talking like she has braces or something and her lips just have to protrude as far out as possible?

Oh yeah, not an Austen fan.
Lisa said…
I'm an Austinite who doesn't care much for Austin or Austen. Although I suspect that my dislike of the former is mostly due to not liking my job or the location of my apartment (both of which will change next year---I hope!) and that my dislike of the latter is due to my being a strident feminist in high school, which is when I last read anything by Austen or the Brontes. Perhaps I should give them a second chance.
Bearette said…
I like them in this order:
Jane Austen
Charlotte Bronte
Emily Bronte

Jane Eyre has a feminist twist, since Jane ends up being the master of poor, blinded Mr. Rochester. That was actually the subject of a paper I wrote in college on the Victorian revenge fantasy.
Lish said…
Jane Austen is my favorite author. I went to see this movie expecting to dislike it, because how can anyone other than Colin Firth be Mr. Darcy? I left thinking it was pretty good, although, I agree that Keira Knightly is too pretty to be Elizabeth and Firth is still the best Darcy. It's so weird that you posted the same things I said to my friends when we went to see this.

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