I've been listening to Madonna's new CD some more. I love it. It's like she let all the disco in her soul loose. It's awesome! The lyrics are fun too.

I've been to other places, but I like New York
Other places make me feel like a dork.

Hehe :)

I'm still reading Case Histories. Almost done. It's really, really good and it keeps getting better. Like dessert with surprises. I think y'all should read it. You can ignore the boring title and un-promising beginning. I'd give it an A.

So I'm scheduled to teach my first yoga class in January. I said to my mentor last night, "I'd love to teach a yoga class with all dance music, but I probably shouldn't do it the first time," and he said regretfully, "Probably not." I'm going to sneak a couple of dance songs in there though. Like Track 4 on Madonna's new CD. It's called Future Lovers. :)

Poppy wanted a review of Kate's new CD. I haven't listened to it as much as Madonna's. It's much more subdued, but it's good, and powerful in a quiet way. If you like Kate, you should get it.

Oh, I have a confession to make. I'm obsessed with roasted squash soup. I don't want to make anything else. Well, I made penne a la vodka last night, but you know what I mean. I'm going to make the squash soup today.


Anonymous said…
I love that you want to use dance music! Who says yoga must be practiced only with chants in the background? :) I'd LOVE to attend one of your classes.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Crystal! Maybe if you're in New York in January ;)
Caro said…
Is Case Histories fiction or non?

Another question, do overweight women ever go to yoga class? I always see very thin women going in and am afraid to try it for fear of getting sneered at.
Anonymous said…
carolyn, I know you weren't asking me, and I'm no expert, but I think you could probably make the same observation by looking at the people at a gym and think that only skinny people should work out, or only skinny people should jog, or only men should lift heavy weights, etc.

Also, yoga in particular is so much a mental exercise, that I don't really envision its participants as being so narrow-minded and judgmental. I'm not in great shape myself, but when I see people who are very overweight exercising, I'm really proud of them, and I actually admire them for facing their fears and trying to change their lifestyle.
Bearette said…
Case Histories is fiction, despite the boring title. The title and first few pages are bad. Then it's awesome!

I do see overweight women at yoga sometimes. Sometimes pregnant ones too. It's a very accepting environment. Now I just have to get them to accept an hour of solid dance music ;) Just kidding, I will start by sneaking in a song here and there.
Caro said…
Thanks kitkat and bearette.
The Zombieslayer said…
So I'm scheduled to teach my first yoga class in January.

Cool, we'll have a Yoga instructor in the anti-zombie compound! :)
Bearette said…
Hehe, thanks...and I'll get to meet lots of my favorite actresses!
Anonymous said…
I was trying to decide between Madonna and the new Stevie Wonder. Stevie won, but I think I'll have to buy Madonna's too, even if Hung Up is the only song I like. :-)
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) I support your choice, and I think you'll like the rest of the CD as well.

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