Take my quiz!

I saw this over at the Zombieslayer's and I couldn't resist. You make your own quiz and your blog friends take it.

Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!

Maybe some chocolate for the winner? ;)


Poppy said…
Apparently I've been asleep in class. I only got 5 right. :(
Bearette said…
Poor Poppy! Sleeping in class, teehee. Or admiring her new strawberry blond highlights ;)
bdogg_mcgee said…
Man, I totally suck!!

I like your middle name--totally fits!
Bearette said…
Hmmm...let me see what you got!

Thanks...it's the same as my niece's first name ;)
The Zombieslayer said…
Oh no. I bombed your test. :(

Love your middle name. Similar to the first name of my 2nd favorite composer.
Anonymous said…
I did the big no-no when it comes to taking tests... I answered before reading all the choices! The TV show question was tricky ;-)
Lisa said…
Are those going to be on the GRE?
Bearette said…
Zombieslayer - Thanks! You must be talking about Bach :)

Liz & Lisa - I'm going to check on your results ;) I'll see if I can get a couple of these questions on the GRE.
Bearette said…
Wow, this quiz must be harder than I thought.
Lora said…
I bombed it! I only got a thirty.
Bearette said…
Oh no! I think I made it too hard :(
Anonymous said…
Doh! I failed. :(
Bearette said…
I think I put too many hard questions on there. Some of them were never answered in the blog.
The Zombieslayer said…
Bearette - Brahms. Oh yeah, I forgot Bach's name was that too. Tchaikovsky's my fav.
jules said…
I got a 50 for my score. I'm paying a little bit of attention! I haven't had much to say lately! But I think I will create 1 of these for myself!
Bearette said…
Oh, you definitely should ;) They are fun to take.
Bsoholic said…
I did pretty bad on your quiz too. d'oh!
Bearette said…
30's not that bad ;)
Ashley Beth said…
Wow! Someone made 100 on yours! I feel as if I don't even know you at all!!
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) That was my husband, so he had an unfair advantage.
Ashley Beth said…
My husband only made a 90!! :-)

My mother made an 80!

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