My new painting

So I went to Wai Cafe today and bought "Bird and Turtle Love," which is now hanging proudly in our kitchen.

Here is the artist's business card.

I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off, getting ready to go home to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving. My niece's birthday presents arrived on time from Amazon. Yay! At any rate, my mother has dial-up, so I may be incommunicado for the next few days.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Lisa said…
Great painting!

Have a safe trip and a wonderful Thanksgiving!
SK said…
I love love love the painting. It's adorable!!!

Have a great veggie turkey day! ;)
Bearette said…
Thanks! I think he should make more of the same painting :)
bdogg_mcgee said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

What a great painting!!!!
Caro said…
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Cute painting.
The Zombieslayer said…

We bought a painting not too long ago done by a local artist from the local internet cafe. Looks great in the room it's in.

I love art, and would like to cover the walls with local artwork, well, as long as it's good that is.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Poppy said…
So, you did talk to the artist? :) That is a gorgeous piece of art.
Anonymous said…
Hey Bearette 24,
I totally love the painting too. :-)
Have a wonderful thanksgiving! It will be my first vegan thanksgiving in Philly this year. Hope to see you when I get back!
Frema said…
Cool painting!
Bearette said…
Yay! I'm glad you all liked it.

Poppy, I did talk to the artist, but only briefly. He took my email so he can contact me about gallery events. I think he's very talented!

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