My baby's back

You may remember my struggles with Apple. Well, they're over now. I heart Apple. They sent me a new pink iPod. I promise to cherish it forevermore, and I will never drop it. (I say that every time).

I also made black bean soup from Crystal's blog. It was splendiferous. It took even less time than the recipe said. I found that it was heated through after 5 minutes, not 15.

I also had a good yoga class. I did a forearm stand (with assistance). That's where you put all your body weight on your forearms, which are on the ground. Yay!


Caro said…
It's so pretty.
Bearette said…
It's now full of songs - Baby Got Back, etc.
Frema said…
I despise beans, but that soup still looks delicious! So colorful and pretty.
Anonymous said…
Glad you liked the soup! It does cook pretty quickly. And I'm very, very glad you have your ipod back. Life without music can be very sad. :)
Michelle said…
Is your iPod naked?!?!!!! Get a case girl! Just in case you drop it again, it will help it to not break.
Bearette said…
I have that little white backing it comes there a better case for the mini iPod? Tell, tell...
Bearette said…
I just did an internet search for "iPod case". Man, there are some ugly ones out there! They have zebra-striped ones from Fossil. I'll keep looking :)
The Zombieslayer said…
I did a forearm stand (with assistance).

I was able to hold this for awhile. The one I had problems doing you'd probably think is easy, but anytime you're on your back and you bring your knees close to your head. I get a bad head rush doing that.

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