This and that

We had our buddy/mentor meeting tonight. That is, 4 people from yoga came over. T came first. I made pumpkin polenta (which ROCKED. Much, much better than it sounds) and we did some studying for the final. Apparently some people fail the yoga final, and although they attend graduation, they get a little envelope along with their diploma. *Shiver* Although my mentor assured us it doesn't happen often, and I think I know my stuff. He quizzed us. He also said to me, "The old ladies in your building push my buttons sometimes." Apparently he was downstairs, ringing up to come in, and this woman fixed him with a stare and said, "I'm not letting you in." Pretty rude, huh?

We did practice teaching. I tried playing Kate Bush's song "Pi" during it, but I got distracted. It's interesting because I played Zero 7 when I practice taught T alone (not the whole group) and it was fine. I guess I have to experiment with different kinds of background music.

Speaking of which, I went to the gym for an hour because I felt like a tub o' lard and I dredged up all my favorite tacky hits from the '90s. She's Homeless (Crystal Waters), Please Don't Go (Double You), Baby Got Back (Sir Mix-a-Lot), Supermodel (RuPaul), I'm So Sexy (Right Said Fred), Pump the Jam (Technotronic), and Jump (House of Pain) all made an appearance. "Get your booty on the floor tonight/Make my day." I also juxtaposed "Burning Up" (from Madonna's first album) and "Jump" from the current CD. I also listened to "Special" by Garbage about 48 times.

It's raining here, but kind of atmospheric.

Oh, and I almost forgot! T has a puppy, an Australian shepherd. Anyway, her daughter's friend was walking the dog (in New Jersey) and ran into Parker Posey walking her own dog! The girl said to Parker, "You look familiar," and Parker said, "Oh, I'm an actress, that's why." The girl said, "What's your name?" and Parker said, "Parker."


The Zombieslayer said…
Baby Got Back (Sir Mix-a-Lot), Supermodel (RuPaul), I'm So Sexy (Right Said Fred)

Heh. All three of these songs are awesome songs.

funny thing is, we had to have test scripts to do some testing of our software and I wrote this one script that outputted an attachment to a mail file that said something long these lines:

I'm too sexy for this line of text
I'm too sexy for this random number
and it would have a random number generated by the script
I'm too sexy for this test script

All right. Maybe not funny to anyone else, but it was funny to us, because that's the script we used to test filling up test email accounts with.
Anonymous said…
I love Parker Posey. My favorite performance is probably from Best in Show.

Nice song choices!
bdogg_mcgee said…
Don't be nervous about the final. You are totally going to do fine, since you're so talented at yoga and I know you have everything down! :)
Caro said…
You're almost there. Woo hoo! All your hard work is paying off.

We sing the "I'm Too Sexy" song here to our cat.

We go, "In the catbox, in the catbox, I shake my little tooshy in the catbox."

Yes, we are disgusting and insane.
Anonymous said…
I know you'll do great on your yoga final. Hey, we can celebrate our graduations together! Now we both have to start doing real jobs and stuff, right? Bummer.
Lisa said…
You'll do awesome on your final!

Hmmmm. I may have to find a cheap ticket to NYC so I can take one of your classes (and stalk my imaginary boyfriend!).
Bearette said…
Hehe - Zombieslayer, I actually do find it funny because my husband is a tech guy ;)

Liz - I liked her a lot in Party Girl - noticed it was one of your favorite movies :)

Bdogg - Thank you! I needed that :)

Carolyn - That is very sane ;)

KitKat - I know, it's true! At least yoga teaching will be more fun than my last job.

Lisa - You should definitely come to my Jan. 12 class :) Maybe I'll get Bradley Cooper to come too.
*foxy fairy* said…
How sweet is pumpkin polenta? It sounds right up my alley. I really like pumpkin risotto, usually with sage.
Bearette said…
As I remember, that recipe was fairly sweet. Not like candy, though :)

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