I just spent $112 on Christmas presents. Okay, you can subtract $3.00 for wrapping paper and $1.97 for a tank top for me (who can turn away a price like that?) It hurts and feels good at the same time ;)

On the way home I saw a fluffy white dog and a black pug. They were sniffing each other, but gave up and rushed over to me. They were both equally eager for attention. When I was going to lunch with D, we saw two shih-tzu type dogs who were very excited! One bounced up and clocked me between my nose and lips with his or her skull.


Lisa said…
I probably, all total, spent about that much on gifts and materials for gifts. But now I have to MAKE all the gifts that I bought materials for.
Bearette said…
You are lucky. I still have presents in my Amazon shopping cart to buy. Then again, I'm shopping for 12 people.
jules said…
Ouch! Banging heads with the doggies! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Bearette said…
You too :) They were really cute dogs. You would have liked them!
Caro said…
I ended up sleeping with my dog last night. My husband doesn't snore but my dog does. The jury is still out on which one smells worse.

As far as Christmas and spending money, I hate to even go there.
Bearette said…
Which one smells worse - LOL. I broke my vow on your blog to buy everything online and get one thing per person. Oh well!

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