Celebrities, noses and writing

So I woke up with the strong feeling that I had seen Renee Zellweger in the supermarket, and I was going to blog about it. But as consciousness set in, I realized I hadn't seen a celebrity in a while, and the supermarket in my dream appeared to be the supermarket in my hometown. Notice how I said "the supermarket in my hometown." I doubt I'd see her there.

D and I did see Tyra Banks at Red Cat, a restaurant in West Chelsea, some years ago. She kind of rudely climbed over D as she got into her booth, and he rolled his eyes and seemed irritated (not knowing who she was). Then he said something about her and her group of friends, like, "They're so loud!" Then I was looking at her, thinking, "Someone famous has green eyes like that," and she gave me a big smile and said, "Hi!!!!" Then she said to her friends, "No one is recognizing me. Usually everyone is like, 'Tyra, can I have your autograph?'" That's when I knew for sure it was her, and I told D. D got really amused and started saying, "I got ticked at Tyra!" We also used to go to an Italian restaurant, Gennaro, where Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgewick went all the time. We saw them there twice. There was great debate about Kevin Bacon's attractiveness. Interestingly, the women thought he looked ordinary, and the men thought he was good-looking. He had on a baseball cap. My first celeb sighting was Susan Sarandon in the Village about 6 years ago. She saw me recognize her and raced away! I wouldn't have harassed her, though. I even waited till she was gone to tell the people I was with. But there have been no celeb sightings for a while. I guess the most recent was Ted, the cook on Queer Eye, a show I no longer even watch. I just forget. I guess the novelty wore off.

How can you tell if someone has a nose job? I will be extremely general here, and not say how I know this person, because you never know who is reading, but I am really curious. The nose in question is upturned, like Janet's and Michael's, but it is a little too broad across the bottom for perfect symmetry. It also somehow looks less natural than the other noses surrounding it. It may also be a slightly different color. Do you think they offer a slightly-too-broad option to throw people off? Interesting.

In other news, my writing class continues. My writing teacher accidentally left her comments at home, but told me she thinks I will probably re-work the chronology at the beginning. She suggested a different point where I could start it. She did say to keep going, finish it up and then re-work the very beginning.

One of the women in my class is very hard on herself about her writing. She said, "Didn't you all have special training, like college?" and we were like, yes, we went to college, but they don't necessarily give you special training for writing. The teacher concurred, saying writing workshops are the way to do it. I have my usual perfume problem where someone is wearing perfume and it makes me allergic. I'll probably bring it up next time. It just makes me feel demanding, but on the other hand, I'm sniffling all through class and I already have a cold anyway.

I brought out the big guns for my cold. I was taking Nyquil at night, but now I'm taking Dayquil during the day too. Let's see if this works. The worst thing about it is that yoga with a cold is no fun. I really miss yoga. I still have to take 2 classes this week (1 down, 1 to go) but it's just not the same with a cold. I feel as if I've lost my mojo. Austin, I feel your pain.


Caro said…
For night time colds, I reccomend going to your doctor and seeing if you can get some promethazine with codeine. It kills the cough and knocks you out.
My husband is allergic to perfume. I quit wearing it for his sake. Sometimes people in public wear it too strongly even for me.
Anonymous said…
I had a dream last night about killing Michael Myers (Halloween). I'm really hoping I don't see him at the supermarket today.

My friend got a nose job. I think when it's done right, and by that, I mean subtley (sp?), you can't really tell. My nose is kind of a different color because when I'm in the sun, my nose tends to get burned more than the rest of my face. So, I have this permanent Scarecrow-from-the-Wizard-of-Oz look.
Anonymous said…
You're too cute, bearette! You make me laugh.
Anonymous said…
I have no idea how to tell if someone's had a NJ, unless their nose looks different than the last time you saw them. Or, if they are sporting gauze and tape.

My husband and I saw Andre 2000 from Outkast in the Munich airport. He was in front of us as we were boarding the plane to Venice. Other than that, I've only seen political celebrities. ;-)
Anonymous said…
And about Kevin Bacon-- I don't think he's all that attractive, but my husband does. In a strictly platonic way. ;-)
Bearette said…
I actually don't have a cough, which is cool - just stuffy head and weakness.

I think men like Kevin Bacon! In a strictly platonic way, of course ;)
Anonymous said…
I can't say I find Kevvy all that attractive, although I have seen his penis (Wild Things) (In the theater no less!) so I feel that we are intimate nonetheless :)
Lisa said…
I'm jealous of your celeb sitings! It's probably good, though, that I don't see any because I would go all stalkerish.

Nose job---I think they do sometimes make them less than perfect so that it isn't obvious. I think the only way to tell is if there's a before picture.

Hope you feel better soon!
jules said…
Hope you feel better! I never notice celebrities when I'm out & about in NYC. I just don't pay attention I guess! (and don't really care!)
Bearette said…
Thanks guys! I've never seen that part of Kevin ;) I've seen a few other celebs too. Stephen Spielberg, Paul Newman, Lucy Liu, and Jai Rodriguez (the culture guy from Queer Eye). I think I saw Gwyneth Paltrow 5 years ago on 5th Ave, but I'm not absolutely sure on that one, because she had sunglasses on.
bdogg_mcgee said…
I'm trying to think if I've seen anyone famous--oh yeah, I once saw Andy Dick sitting on a bus stop bench on Melrose Ave. the one time I was in L.A. He was dressed all in purple. Purple shorts, purple shirt. It was kind of weird, really.

Is Gennaro in Little Italy? I think I might have gone there my first time in NYC--it sounds really familiar. I may have to locate my travel journal and see if I wrote it down.
Bearette said…
Huh! I'm ashamed to admit I don't know who Andy Dick is :(

Gennaro is actually on the Upper West Side around Amsterdam and 93rd. It's very very very good! And very rich. They have a beet and goat cheese salad that rocks. The word "salad" kind of seems inappropriate because it's so rich. It feels like you're eating chocolate or something.
The Zombieslayer said…
The teacher concurred, saying writing workshops are the way to do it.

Never been to one. However, one thing you might want to look into is going to a workshop about selling your writing. You could be the best writer in the world and die broke and unpublished, yet some writers with mediocre talent are famous and rich.

As sad as it is, writing is a business, just like any other business. It's not so much the product, as it is the marketing.
Bearette said…
Actually, the class is called: "Chick Lit: How to Write It, How to Get it Published," so hopefully we will get some knowledge on both ends.

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