I just got back from writing class. It was fun. One of the girls works at a tabloid and talked about how intrusive it is. Apparently she was getting a bikini wax once and she got a call on her cell phone. Someone wanted to tell her, "Nicole Kidman and Urban just got off a plane! We need to send photographers!" She works as a photo editor. She also gets calls while she's watching movies (in the theater) about Angelina and Brad. She says Jennifer Aniston has bad friends. Apparently a lot of Jen's friends leak personal info to the magazine, such as how many times she and Vince Vaughn had sex (eight). And apparently Vince Vaughn has a thumb shaped like a toe. That is why he will never show his hands in a movie. I was happy to hear that this particular girl and 3 people from her department want to come to my first yoga class! I was a little worried because many people have full-time jobs, and the community classes are a bad time slot for that (2:30-3:45). But I guess a lot of people can take a long lunch or whatever. I have to figure out what music I want to use soon.

A bit on my novel. My protagonist is, shall we say, Behaving Badly. It becomes a problem to the extent that it might make her not likable or not sympathetic. The readers find the protagonist's sister more sympathetic. I fully understand this, but I always find the "bad one" more interesting to write about. Maybe because I have always been a "good girl" (I know, how boring), I find it more interesting to write about people who are "bad". I know this is gross oversimplification, but you know what I mean.

I had 2 oranges at home after class. For some reason I find it hard to eat just one.


SK said…
Ok, I *used* to think Vince was cute but the finger that looks like a toe would weird me out. I can never look at him the same again. Sigh.
Frema said…
Now I feel a little guilty for the US Weekly hiding in my desk.
Bearette said…
Hehe...don't feel guilty!

Lost - maybe it makes him more sensitive? ;)
Caro said…
If they've only done it eight times, then he must be doing something wrong. When most people are in a new relationship they want it at least three times a day, don't they? Or am I a perv? Don't answer that.
Bearette said…
Hehe...that's a riot! I think they may have broken up, got back together again, etc. so there was a pause in the action.
Anonymous said…
Um, aren't most toes shaped kind of like thumbs? One knuckle and all...Then again, I have toes that could be fingers and thumbs that have been called "thingers" because they're fingerish. I guess I'm all fingers.

About the novel--bad characters are very interesting, but I think the key is to establish the audience's identification with the protag firmly and early on, and then when she starts behaving badly, we feel that we must be capable of that too.

I don't think that made sense.
Bearette said…
Oh no, that totally made sense. I think my mistake was telling the class early on that the protag was going to do something bad. That probably interfered with the identification. Because they liked her before they knew what was going to happen.
Anonymous said…
Good girl/bad girl is fascinating, for characters and real-life.

Do you think you've been a bad girl at some points in your life??? Any bad girl close friends? I am wondering about myself... used to be SUCH a good girl. At the all girls school where I taught in Oakland, we talked a lot about "the tyranny of perfection" for overachiever girls. Maybe some of us, the good girls, end up seeping into a few bad girl patterns/actions?
Bearette said…
Ah yes, the tyranny of perfection. Sadly, I don't think I'm friends with any bad girls.

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