A note on my iPod progress. The "genius" bar was booked solid at 6 am. Apparently ProCare customers get priority. They can book 7 days in advance. However, to do this, you have to pay $99.

So I'm taking a stab at sending it in. They're going to send me a box and they're charging me $32 for shipping and handling. However, the fee will be waived if it turns out I have an AppleCare Protection Plan. Apparently they can't figure this out until they receive the iPod, even though they can look everything else up by serial number. Also, they may want me to fax in a proof of purchase, so I will have to go down to Tekserve and ask them to print one up. Tekserve has better service than Apple (except they can't replace the iPod), so it shouldn't be a problem, and it's right next to the library, but still.

I'm really annoyed at the song and dance Apple has led me through. I hope at least a few people find this entry looking for Apple or iPod. To assist them:


Well, that's not strictly true. I'm happy with my laptop.


Michelle said…
I'm sorry you had so much trouble with apple, your ipod, etc. hubby bought me mine for christmas last year, and he got the protection plan from best buy. so, at least i know that i can return it and get a new one for free. and now the new one is the nano, so i'm pretty excited. i have 3 years, i think, to wear out the battery... he he he
Anonymous said…
When our computer died, we had to do the same jig with Apple. The Genius Bar was booked every day for 3 days, until somehow, my husband miraculously got a spot. Once we got in, they helped us out a lot, but it was really annoying not to be able to get help when we needed it. I agree that it's a love/hate relationship. I hope your ipod gets better soon!
Poppy said…
Wow, that's horrible! Sorry you're having such a hard time! I know the Apple certified techs that work upstairs from me so they usually slip me into their schedules if I need something. It's all about connections, I think. Check out who works at the geek bar then stalk them outside their work hours and become their friend. :)
Poppy said…
Oops, I mean Genius Bar. :)
Bearette said…
Poppy - sounds like a plan!

It is very annoying. Hopefully it will all work out ;)
Caro said…
That stinks.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like Apple may be conspiring with the guys we hired to wash and stain our deck. They did the washing part and disappeared. Phone calls unreturned. Grill is still sitting in the middle of my small kitchen.

Bearette said…
That's so evil! I'm sorry you had to go through that.

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