I have two conflicting desires.

1) For it to be nice and sunny here. However, if it was nice and sunny all the time, people would probably just lie around in the sun, focus on their looks, and lose all ambition. This could be fun for a week or so (South Beach) but it would wear on me pretty quickly. I'm by nature a little neurotic (Woody Allen) so New York is a good fit for me.

2) For it to snow!!! If it's going to be gray anyway, let's have some drama. And the snow is very pretty before it turns dark gray from exhaust (which happens in New York pretty quickly). When I was growing up in MA, I always took my dog for a walk during the first snow. She was a Cairn terrier, pretty small, and jumped from snowbank to snowbank. Sometimes she fell right into a drift of snow and then she'd pop back up. It was cute. She had a lot of spirit, but calmed down as she got older. She was about 16 when D met her, and she just came out to the kitchen wagging her tail. (She liked D right away.) D asked at first, "Why is she so mellow?"

I am loving Case Histories by Kate Atkinson. I'll admit I was turned off by the title. Do you see a book called Case Histories and have a burning desire to read it RIGHT NOW? I thought not. It seems dry. But it's not at all. After a slow beginning, she brings everybody to life. I started it fairly late in the day yesterday and I'm on page 200 or so. Which brings me to my next conclusion. The book I was reading before it, Beginner's Luck by Laura Pedersen, must not have been very good, because it was about the same length (around 300 pages) but took me about a week to finish. D thinks there should be a time limit for books; if it's taking too long, put it down. Hmm.


Lisa said…

I haven't started Case Histories yet but it is in the pile!

I think Paradise and Affluenza are next in line, and then Case Histories.
Anonymous said…
Regarding #1, what ends up happening when it's sunny and warm/hot all the time is people begin to ignore it and they don't take advantage of it because they know it'll be nice like that 300 days a year.

I can't wait to move.....I know I said I wasn't going to reveal where I was going for fear of jinxing it, but let's say I'll be up your way if all goes according to plan!
Anonymous said…
Snow...it would be nice. But I don't think it's snowed in Austin since I've lived here. :(

Maybe you can post some photos of your New York snow this winter for those of us in the HOT regions? :)c
SK said…
I guarantee you that the weather you have in NY is probably much better than Austin weather. We're getting a "cold front" sometime this afternoon and tomorrow it will be a whopping 66 degrees. Last week we were still wearing tank tops and flip flops.

I agree w/D- if the book is taking too long and it's not 1k pages or something like that, then it's taking long b/c it's not getting your attention! I usually move on to something else and come back to it later.
Lisa said…
Wow! Where'd all these Austinites come from? Hi neighbors!

And as a transplanted Northeasterner---I miss seasons!
Ashley Beth said…
Man, Houston stinks! It's 83, but "feels like" 87. It's November for crying out loud! I miss the cold weather.

Take Crystal's suggestion - post some New York snow photos!!! Or at least a picture of someone wearing a coat.

Awwwww...a Cairn.
Bearette said…
Lisa - I'd recommend skipping right ahead to Case Histories. It's that good. Now, if only I had time today to finish it...maybe tomorrow.

KitKat - that's so cool!

Crystal - maybe I'll post some nice snow pix from a couple years ago, if I get over to D's office (where there's a scanner).

Lisa & Lost - Austin is a hotbed for cool female bloggers ;)

New Mezger - I love Cairns too :)
Lora said…
I so miss snow...

I was the official snow shoveler in my family. I love shoveling after dark when the snow is still falling. It's like thae world is letting you in on a little secret.
The Zombieslayer said…
It snows about ten minutes from the house where we live. Skiing is only about 45 minutes away. I'm tired of the heat though, so I'm glad it's disappearing. Heat in Fall and Winter just isn't right, but I love Spring and Summer.

Haven't heard of those books though. I'll have to ask Mrs. Z if she's familiar with them.
Bearette said…
Lora - That's so cute! I can see you diligently shoveling :)

Zombieslayer - So you have the best of both worlds, kind of. I wish it would snow...

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