2 burning (or silly) questions

OK, I have 2 burning or silly questions, depending on how you look at them.

1) I'm a fan of Rachael Ray, though I've never seen her show. And Lisa's success with her pumpkin polenta makes me want to try it. I like the whole quick & easy thing she has going on. Oops...that didn't sound quite right. Anyway, you know what I mean. Half hour meals and all. So I had her newest cookbook on my Amazon wish list. But I thumbed through it at the bookstore, and saw tons of meat recipes. There's a vegetarian section which would probably be useful. But is looking at the meat recipes all the time going to make me queasy? And the vegetarian section is pretty short. But I could play with some of the pastas to make them vegetarian. Probably.

2) I've already henna'd my hair dark brown for this month. (Last month was light brown.) I like the whole henna deal and want to continue, but I am still experimenting with colors. My friend T uses chestnut and it looks good. However, I wear pink a lot. Will the chestnut highlights clash?

Thank you for your attention to these weighty matters.

Have a good weekend!


Ashley Beth said…
I really have nothing constructive to add to these questions you are wanting to have answered, but I'm responding anyway...with even more questions.

1. We eat meat at my house, mainly because my husband's favorite dish is steak stuffed with crab, wrapped in bacon with a shrimp sauce, and a side dish of chicken. Point being, I don't know if it will make you queasy. With a cookbook like that, can you remove the meat items with things like zucchini, eggplant, or tofu? Does that work the same? I'd be interested to know if I can sneak in a meatless meal every once in a while.

2. What is this "henna" hair dye you speak about? I've never heard of it. I have a chestnut color on my hair (from the salon) and I wear pinks and reds everyday. I don't know if the hair salon stuff and the henna stuff turns out the same on the noggin though. I think I'm pretty cute wearing pink with this hair. :-)

I hope I didn't annoy you/your fans with no answers and additional questions.
Caro said…
I think chestnut hair and pink clothes look good together.

On the cookbook, I'm with new mezger. If you feel like you can make substitutions, it may be worth it. (unless the pics of meat really, really nauseate you.)
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) Not annoying at all. That is a very meaty favorite dish! I think I could vegetarian-ize some of these recipes, but I probably should just pass. There's probably not much value from the cookbook if I can't cook most of the meals in it, or have to change them all beyond recognition.

I'm sure you can sneak in a meatless meal. I have a recipe for baked ziti that's really good.

Henna is a kind of herb, a chemical-free hair dye. It also has a conditioning effect. They don't have it at CVS, but they have it at Whole Foods. It's cool because it's pretty subtle and it washes out on its own after 4-6 weeks, leaving no roots ;)

And if the chestnut color on your hair works with red and pink, you've answered my question! Thanks.
Bearette said…
Carolyn, I didn't see your comment before! I guess you posted it while I was answering New Mezger's. So I guess the consensus is, chestnut highlights + pink clothes are fine. I think I will skip the cookbook though.
Bearette said…
Capybaras, that sounds violent ;)
Poppy said…
Bearette, what about just visiting foodtv.com and searching for vegetarian dishes from Rachael Ray? Or visiting her "Every Day with Rachael Ray" magazine site? In her shows she is always talking about how to modify recipes to be vegetarian, and I don't really see other TV chefs doing that. In 30 Minute Meals I think there are only a handful of photos, and they're glossy and don't have recipes on them so you could tear them out...?
Bearette said…
Jennifuzz - that is great idea!! I will buy some frozen raspberries. i think fresh raspberries are $10 a box here now. sigh...and i will have to look into Lush's hennas!

Poppy Cede - I already have Rachael's magazine. I guess I was just allured by the idea of a sparkly new cookbook...but I think it's just too meaty for me. I'll wait for the next issue of her magazine. I also have her cookbook, "30-Minute Veggie Meals."
The Zombieslayer said…
1) I've never seen her show. We don't have cable, so I never see those shows unfortunately. But I did get some good cookbooks for Christmas.

This one is pretty good. She has a show on the Food Network. It has a few vegetarian dishes that are good. I use the marinara one all the time.

2) I'm partially color blind. Can't answer this one. When Mrs. Z and I work on an art piece, she picks the colors.
Bearette said…
Oh - Giada! I was actually planning to get her cookbook for my SIL. Maybe I'll check out the recipes first ;) Or pick up my own copy.

Sorry that you're colorblind :(
Lisa said…
Weighing in late, but---Skip the cookbook. Maybe subscribe to the magazine instead? Then you get shiny new recipes each month! And you can tear out the veggie ones and recycle the rest.

I've been debating the same thing about Joy of Cooking. I know it's a good reference cookbook, but the meat: veggie ratio is not in my favor.

As for the hair color, you might have to be careful which shades of pink you wear, but I think you can still wear pink with chesnut hair.
Bearette said…
Thanks Lisa. Yeah, I think I will opt for the magazine. It does seem more veggie friendly. My brother's wife gave me Joy of Cooking as a gift when i was a bridesmaid in their wedding, but I never use it! I guess it does tell you how to cook everything, though, and so it's a good reference.
Anonymous said…
Bearette, RR also has one out called "Veggie Meals" from a few years ago. Maybe that would work better?
Bearette said…
Thanks for the recommendation :) I have that one, and I like it a lot. It's too bad her new ones aren't more veggie-oriented.
Lish said…
I love Rachel Ray. I'm making a five minute fudge recipe from her visit on the Oprah show for Christmas gifts.
Bearette said…
Mmm...sounds good!
Anonymous said…
This is YEARS later... wondering

1. if you have ever bought any RR cookbooks since then,

2. if you have ever tuned into any of RR's shows

3. if you still dye your hair

On the very night I'm reading this, I will be making a chicken dish from the Giada cookbook mentioned by Zombieslayer!
Bearette said…
1. No...

2. I did, when I was pg. Got a weird urge to watch the cooking channel then. But her meals were so meat-ful, I lost interest.

3. Yep, but now I have it done professionally.

Giada is cool...

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