I got some sad news today. Our family friend, whom I visited a few weeks ago, passed away last night. It was apparently very peaceful, and her beloved cat was with her.

I'll be going home Tuesday and Wednesday.


Caro said…
I'm sorry about your friend. Take care.
Lisa said…
I'm so sorry. You're in my prayers.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Carolyn & Lisa.
Poppy said…
I'm so sorry, Bearette. :(
Bearette said…
Thanks, Poppy.
Frema said…
Sorry to hear about your loss. Take care of yourself this coming week.
Anonymous said…
My condolences.
Bearette said…
Thanks Allen & Frema. Everyone is being so nice and supportive :)
Anonymous said…
Take good care of yourself and have a safe trip!
Bearette said…
Thanks Liz. I enjoyed seeing the pottery on your website.
Lora said…
So sorry to hear of your loss.
Bearette said…
Thanks Lora.

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