I am listening to Chaka Khan to ease the pain. My iPod is still dead and the "Genius" bar at the Apple store was booked solid today. Maybe I will get in tomorrow. It irritates me to go there, because I know if I wanted to buy a new iPod, I would be whisked right through. But since I want to get my iPod replaced, I will have to wait for at least an hour (even though I'll make an appointment beforehand) so that some "genius" who is barely old enough to shave will plug my iPod into their computer, determine that it doesn't work and give me a new one. ARRRGGGHHH.

Anywho, I went to the gym and used D's iPod, which has a short battery life but at least works :) In honor of Liz, I listened to "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot. The lyrics raise many questions, or at least one.

When he says, "Call 1-800-Mix-A-Lot and kick those nasty thoughts," does he mean "kick" as in:

1) mull over, discuss OR
2) eradicate?

I await your thoughts on this issue.

It occurred to me that my iPod, food processor, and digital camera bit the dust in the same week. They say bad things happen in threes. Is this some Job-like test? How will I prevail?

My digital camera broke when I tried to take a picture of a riot from my terrace. These people stormed down my avenue, saying how much they hated Bush. Then they disappeared. This happens periodically.


Caro said…
I vote for #1 also.

Regarding getting things fixed - One time in the middle of the summer we purchased an air conditioner, installed it, and it didn't work. Brand NEW - didn't work. We called the company and they said a repairman could be out in four weeks. Needless to say, we returned it to the store. Ah, modern customer service.
Bearette said…
C, I feel your pain. Let's put on riot gear and storm all the major corporations. Just kidding (sort of) ;)
Anonymous said…
The Bush hating happens frequently around here. ;-)

Thanks for honoring me and librarians everywhere with Baby Got Back. It is musical genius. And by the way, I also vote for #1.

Didn't you just get that camera? :-(
Anonymous said…
I feel the need to more thoroughly discuss my Sir Mix-A-Lot vote.

Just before giving out the 900 number, Sir M.A.L. says,

"So ladies, if the butt is round,
And you want a triple X throw down, call 1-900-Mix-A-Lot..."

Clearly, a "triple X thrown down" is not going to happen if the nasty thoughts are eradicated, so the meaning must be the first one, to "mull over, discuss."
Bearette said…
I got the camera about a month ago...and have already sent it off for repairs once :( I don't know why it got such good reviews on the website I got it from.

That is hilarious. I bow down to your knowledge of Sir MAL's lyrics and acknowledge that #1 must be the choice. And, of course, the fact that it's a 900 number ;)
Anonymous said…
Why is it I can't remember the most vital information in my life, but I can without fail recall the words to Baby Got Backat any time? It isn't fair.

I think the word "periodically" sort of takes away from the whole effect of a riot.
Anonymous said…
True confession: I had to look the lyrics up online to be sure. I only know certain parts of it. ;-)
Bearette said…
Oh, OK. Still, very impressive ;)

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