Aargh, I can't sleep. So I will do one of my late-night specials on a random topic. Tonight's topic is the Bendix.

The Bendix was a much-loved diner on 8th and 21st. They had a weird mural on the wall featuring people with purple hair, etc. Our favorite dishes there were the Thai salad with peanut dressing and soft tofu, and the pad see euw with tofu. Pad see euw consists of broad rice noodles, big chunks of deep-fried tofu and broccoli, all drenched in some kind of greasy, delicious sauce. (We were both a little heavier back then.) We would finish off this cholesto-fest with a large brownie sundae. Let's break it down: a huge, luscious chocolate brownie with walnuts, big scoops of vanilla ice cream, a cherry on top, and mounds of whipped cream. God. I don't know whether to be repulsed or excited when I remember it. At least we shared it.

When I had mono in 2001, the Bendix was there. They delivered their greasy delights in a brown paper bag. I'm sure the grease soaked through sometimes. Another of their yummy offerings was an "Oriental grilled cheese," which they made with thick slices of challah bread, melted cheese, bok choy, tofu and bean sprouts. Their motto, printed out in the front window, was GET FAT! Everyone loved to go there.

Then, sadly, their lease ran out. Bloomie's Nail Salon moved in. The neighborhood will never be the same.

D and I discovered another Bendix, on the East Side. Our loyalty was such that we dragged our butts across town to go there. They had a huge plastic bridge with a plastic Godzilla on the top. We got all our usual dishes. A friendly California surfer-type waiter frequently waited on us. We had the sundae. My college roommate, who lives in D.C., visited us and got the grilled cheese sandwich.

Then they, too, closed. Without even a good-bye letter posted on the glass front of the restaurant (at the West Side Bendix, the manager put up a letter explaining that the lease had run out). My college roommate was looking forward to her next grilled cheese sandwich, but we had to tell her they had closed. Soon, the space was taken by a Japanese restaurant.

Bendix, we miss you. We may be able to wear smaller sizes in your absence, and our waistlines may be grateful, but one day, maybe in heaven, we'd like another thick slab of brownie sundae and pile of pad see euw noodles.


Anonymous said…
I love diners. We were in New Jersey all weekend and there are so many diners to choose from. I am always impressed with how long the menus are!
Bearette said…
Yummy! I love them too. And this one was super cool because it had both Thai and American dishes. Maybe I'll open a Bendix someday, with one in DC :)
Caro said…
We had a favorite called the Rice Bowl. It was a buffet and it was also good. Usually buffet and good don't go in the same sentence! It also closed. There is another one, but it's much farther away so we never go anymore. I have to say that Bendix sounds even better than the Rice Bowl did. You have a gift for describing food that makes me drool.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the comment about your food descriptions. I probably wouldn't like most of it, but you make it sound so good!

I hate when good restaurants close. There was a good, authentic Mexican place in Pensacola that closed sometime after my husband and I moved away. We went back to visit, and alas, it was gone. We were crushed.
Bearette said…
Hehe...maybe I should become a food writer!
Anonymous said…
Have you been to Junior's diner in Brooklyn? I've been there with my sister a couple of times. I don't know if it as good as Bendix sounds, though!
Bearette said…
I actually haven't been to Junior's (unless you count the little mini Junior's at Grand Central). They have tasty little desserts!
Anonymous said…
on the opposite end of the dining spectrum, I would love to have dinner at Per Se. Have you been? It looks delicious.
Bearette said…
No, I've never been...and I did a search for it! Came up with this article:


Looks very, very fancy...but sadly, not very vegetarian :(
Anonymous said…
Mmm... I would love to get at that vegetarian tasting menu. Last I heard, though, you have to promise your first-born to get a reservation!

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