I really have nothing to post about today, but I'll post anyway. 'Cause I feel like it. ;)

I'm sick as a dog (well, not really, it's just a cold but I have a taste for drama). I won't be going to MA after all. My brother told me about W (our family friend) when Mom was still in Iceland. She went for a few days with some friends; they were going to go to a 100-degree outdoor pool, among other things. She came home, my brother told her about W, and then I called her to make transportation plans. It turns out she's not able to take any more time off work, because she just came back from vacation and she's taking Wednesday off for the funeral, so she wouldn't be able to pick me and D up at Alewife (a 40-minute trip from her house), and she's going to an event after the funeral so she wouldn't be able to drive us back either. I'd forgotten what a hassle it can be to get back and forth in MA. The public transportation in Manhattan is top-notch (even if it sometimes smells or the A/C is broken on a subway car), but there's no real public transportation between Boston and my hometown. I could get a commuter rail to a nearby town, but I'd still need to be picked up. Oh well. I am very glad I got to visit W a couple weeks ago. And she did seem happy up till the end, which is great, and she was not in pain.

My mom told me that my sister fell down the stairs. I didn't get all the details straight, but I think she was wearing high heels and her dog was being puppyish. So I sent her something in the mail today. I think she will like it. She is apparently fine; her finger got dislocated but they popped it back in. My yoga mentor told us that sometimes people's shoulders pop out in yoga! I think it only happens if you've dislocated your shoulder before. He had someone like that in class; her shoulder popped out, and she nonchalantly popped it back in.

So I am taking a bit of a lazy day because of my cold. I went to the gym for 30 minutes at a slower speed than usual, and I plan to spend the rest of the day reading a library book. (More on that later).

Here are the songs I listened to at the gym, on D's iPod (I made an On-the-Go playlist).
By the way, D let me transfer my songs from my computer to his iPod, since mine is busted. Isn't that nice? He said my songs were probably better anyway ;) And he still has his songs on his computer.

Clark Gable (The Postal Service)
Clocks (Coldplay)
Protection (Everything But the Girl) - one of my favorite songs.
Reelin' in the Years (Steely Dan)
She Blinded Me with Science (Thomas Dolby)
Take on Me (A-Ha) - ditto.
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight (The Postal Service)
The Samurai in Autumn (Pet Shop Boys)
West End Girls (Pet Shop Boys) - ditto.
What is Love? (Haddaway)

Then, in Lisa fashion, I will list all my newest books from the library.

Anagrams by Lorrie Moore
Self-Help by Lorrie Moore
Beginner's Luck by Laura Pedersen
Case Histories by Kate Atkinson

Lorrie Moore: On a friend's recommendation, I read Like Life, and then I read Birds of America and Who Will Save the Frog Hospital? After I finish Anagrams and Self-Help, I will be done with her oeuvre. (Is that too pretentious a word to use, ever? I like it because it makes me think of hors d'oeuvres.) She better write some more.

Laura Pedersen: R from chicklitbooks.com sent me a book of hers to review, and I decided to read her other book.

Kate Atkinson: I love love loved Behind the Scenes at the Museum, but was underwhelmed by her other books. Maybe this one will redeem her?

I think I'll start out with Lorrie.

P.S. I put all your recommended books on hold at the library, but I haven't received them yet. Thanks again. I may do that again sometime!


Lisa said…
Enjoy the books! Hope you feel better soon!
Bearette said…
Yay! Thank you. I am now reading Anagrams. It might be my favorite of hers so far. I really like the characters. She keeps re-shuffling their relationships, though. I guess that's the point ;)
He had someone like that in class; her shoulder popped out, and she nonchalantly popped it back in.

Got the shivers from reading that. My old wrestling teacher's shoulder came out in class and he had the owner of the gym stick it back in. It freaked me out seeing it, how nonchalantly he was when they did that.

I need to read more. I don't know who any of those authors are. Last book I read was Harry Potter 6, which was the first day it was released. Haven't read a fiction book since. I read non-fiction all the time though.
Anonymous said…
I can pop my shoulders in and out of their sockets at will. It's kind of gross.

Eat lots of good soup!
Bearette said…
I'd kind of like to see someone do that ;) I don't know why.
Bearette said…
Zombieslayer - believe it or not, I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books :)
Caro said…
I hope you're better soon. Maybe some of your spicy Thai tofu would clear your sinuses. Tell your sweetie to get cooking.
Bearette said…
Thanks! It's actually scary when he cooks - stuff lying all over the kitchen, unwashed dishes, strange outcomes - so I don't encourage it ;) He is proud of his matzo ball soup, though.

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