Like a rock

Did you ever have one of those meals that sits in your stomach like a rock? That just happened to me. I had dinner with Mom and D at this new place in Danvers called "Red Sauce." The space has gone through many incarnations. It used to be Romy's when I was a little girl. They had stale crackers and wonderful cheese.

Anyway, tonight I shared a baby spinach, gorgonzola and roasted fennel salad with my mom (they DRENCHED IT in dressing; sometimes I forget to ask for it on the side). D had arancini (fried risotto balls with mozzarella inside; I had half of one). Then my entree was linguine with tomato sauce and basil. Doesn't sound too heavy, huh? Oh, and I had a little bread. Ugh.

I'm thinking I might want to get my master's in library science. I know I am doing the yoga teaching/writing thing, but I have always (or maybe just recently) liked the idea of working in a library. I could recommend books to people. Like this: if you like Maeve Binchy, try Patricia Scanlan! Really. I got Francesca's Party by Patricia Scanlan from the library, and it's quite cozy. I'm almost done.

Oh, my nephew told me that at his school, they have a "tarantula, a squid and a human backbone." I wonder if it's true; sometimes his details are off ;)


Poppy said…
Rumor has it that you have great taste in books, so maybe you really should go for the Library Science degree! :)
Bearette said…
Thanks Poppy :) D thinks I like getting degrees. But I would like being a librarian too. I just know it.
Caro said…
I used to want to be a librarian, but I would be happy at this point just to have a two year degree. 8^)
Anonymous said…
Librarians rock! Of course, I am not biased at all.

Go for it. ;-)
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) I'm really thinking I should. D says I should stick to the yoga for a while, but there's no reason I can't do both. I could go to Hunter for the MLS (assuming they have a program) and teach yoga while I'm in school. It's not a very long program, is it? I'm thinking 2 years? And Hunter is awesome - their degrees cost like $5 for NYC residents (ok, I'm exaggerating, but no loans would be involved ;)
Anonymous said…
I'm a graduate student at Hunter, and each of my courses costs $642. That's for 3 credits, or $214 a credit. Of course, you might also go straight into working for a library. You've already got a J.D. - I bet that's enough to work in many libraries. I bet you can learn about the job while you do it.
Anonymous said…
Law librarians make good money, if that type of library interests you. They typically want a JD in addition to the MLS. In most places you can't get an official "Librarian" job title unless you have the MLS.

Funny thing... when I was in library school at Catholic University in DC, I was surprised to discover that the majority of my classmates were either teachers or lawyers looking to transition to a new career.
Bearette said…
El bibliotecario - Hi! I think I'm going to 4:15 yoga tomorrow if I'm interested. OK, so it's more than $5 - still pretty good ;)

Liz - very interesting! I always hear about lawyers leaving their jobs, but it's interesting to hear they are into the same stuff I am! Food for thought. I like the idea of being a regular librarian better, but the chance to use my JD (getting dusty and moldy) might be a good thing.
Bearette said…
Oops, el biblio, I meant to write "if you're interested." I'll just show up, feel free to join me. It's the "drill sergeant" instructor ;)
Anonymous said…
Someone told me recently that "librarians are crazy." Now, I don't know if being one makes one crazy, or if one has to already be crazy in order to be a make the call!

Good luck, whatever you decide. I thought I'd always like working in a library because it's quiet and usually peaceful.

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