Aargh...I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Haven't been able to read more of Case Histories. Went to a yoga class this morning (we have to do a beginners' class, plus a 2 or a 2/3, which means intermediate or intermediate/advanced) each week.

I stopped at B&N on the way back and got Madonna's new CD, Kate Bush's new CD (first since '93 -yay!) and the first season of The Nanny, which is kind of a guilty pleasure over here. D used to watch it (reruns, of course) and I was like, "How can you stand her voice?" Then it grew on me.

We're listening to Madge's CD first since D is a Madonna fan, but not a Kate Bush fan. On Madonna's CD, the first song is good, then the others all kind of sound alike until you hit #10. Then 10, 11 and 12 are weird, fun and interesting. I'm predicting that the in-between songs will grow on me.


Lisa said…
I've been watching the first season of Fame on DVD---and Fran Drescher appeared in one episode! And her voice was not at all the nasally whine she's got going on now. It was just a normal voice.
Poppy said…
Please please please review Kate's album. It's on my wish list!
SK said…
I'm glad I now know someone who has her CD..I was wondering how good it would be and whether or not worth purchasing in it's entirety (vs iTunes song by song).
Let me know how it turns out..I planned on writing about Madge and her videe on my blog later. :)
Bearette said…
Lisa - That's interesting! I saw her in Saturday Night Fever (she's the one who says to John Travolta, "Are you as good in bed as you are on the dance floor?") and she seemed to have an accent then. Maybe not as nasal though.

Poppy - I have to listen to it some more. It doesn't have as much personality as Madonna's - it's a little subdued. But if you like Kate, you should definitely get it. It's very piano-y and relaxing. It's a LOT of music to digest...2 whole CDs and one of the songs is supposedly 42 minutes long (according to the little review thingy they have at Barnes & Noble, as part of the listening machine).

Lost - It's growing on me already. After the first listen, 1 and 10-12 were the standout tracks...now the ones in between are catching my attention too.
Frema said…
Ah, The Nanny...I used to hate that show until I commuted from Rensselaer to Chicago for grad school. I'd spend the night in between my Tuesday night and Wednesday night classes and wake up on Wednesday to find my mother watching the reruns on Lifetime. Now I can't get enough.
The Zombieslayer said…
Fran Drescher is hot! But I can't stand her voice. ;)

The other cool thing about her is that she's a cancer survivor. That's definite thumbs up in my book. It takes a strong person to beat cancer.
Bearette said…
That's true. I think she is definitely a cool person.

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