Apples and cilantro

Not too much to report today. I was delighted to see Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy after a 3-hour, 35-minute Amtrak ride. D whipped through the fourth Ladies' Detective Agency book on the train, while I read a bit of Solo by Emily Barr. I also polished off all my Catholic/Protestant holiday cards, and I'll do the Jewish/neutral ones soon.

I thought both shows were awesome. I love the idea of Eva Longoria competing with a nun for her husband's affections. Did you notice that the nun keeps smiling no matter what she says? I'm puzzled, though, as to what the nun will get out of it if she steals Eva's husband. Don't they take vows of celibacy? I also hope the pharmacist doesn't die. I can't believe Bree didn't call an ambulance for him! Gray's Anatomy was awesome as well. Dr. O'Malley was so sweet and comforting to Meredith!

I went grocery shopping at 11 pm. If you've never done this, I recommend it. No lines, no waiting, no shopping cart traffic jams. I bought the ingredients for Crystal's black bean soup, which I'll make tomorrow night. The store had no bell peppers, but I don't think D will be broken up about it because he doesn't like them anyway. Anyway, I bought cilantro for the soup and a bunch of apples (Gala, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious). I was eating one of the Galas in the dark as I read Carolyn's blog and noticed it had an odd but not unpleasant flavor. Turned out a cilantro leaf got pressed against it.

I like the idea of (possibly) becoming a law librarian. People always say there is so much you can do with a JD, but I've never seen any options besides slaving away in a corporate, life-sucking law firm. Now I know of something! Thanks, Liz. I think I will pursue the writing/yoga path for a while longer, but this is something to keep in my back pocket :)

Good movies coming up: Memoirs of a Geisha and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. D read several of the Narnia books this weekend! I have only read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; the others don't grab me somehow. I'm also looking forward to The Family Stone, though it may not be good.

Good night, all.


Caro said…
I had an English teacher called Mrs. Mead who always smiled no matter what. Rumor had it that she fell down once and got up smiling.

My hubby hates bell peppers too. I love them.

Have you read "memoirs of a geisha"? I have been considering getting the book, but maybe that would ruin the movie.

I am still enjoying my revels. I would enjoy them more (with my husband) if the damn kids would go to sleep.
Caro said…
Perhaps that was TMI. Sorry.
Anonymous said…
I do my best grocery shopping at 6:30 AM. Perhaps you could stay up a little later, and I could get up a little earlier, and we can go grocery shopping together!
Frema said…
I am currently reading the Narnia books and love them. Right now I'm on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Only two more before I'm through, which I hope to finish before the movie comes out, even though the movie is just based on the one.
Bearette said…
Carolyn - Hehe, no such thing as TMI ;) That's why your blog is so liberating. I read memoirs and it was awesome! i don't think it would ruin the movie; then again, i forget most of it. i think i read it 6 yrs ago...

El madrugador - i'm impressed, i'm never even up by 6:30 ;)

Frema - that's great! i wish i could plow through the whole series. i think my husband is going to.
Lish said…
I read all the Narnia books when I was a kid, and now I'm listening to them on audio at work.

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