Thank God for the late-night posters, namely Carolyn and Leah. I have some quirk in my genetic makeup that makes it impossible for me to get on a normal sleep schedule. I wonder if I worked out for 3 hours or something, if that would just wipe me out and I'd sleep like a baby. More likely I'd keel over. Apparently I gave up my naps before any of my siblings. My mom would lie down to nap with me and she'd fall asleep and I wouldn't. I really don't want to take sleeping pills though. I have a hard enough time remembering if I took my Claritin and vitamin in the morning.

We're going to Surya tomorrow night, which should be fun. We went there the night of the Halloween parade too. We hadn't been there in a long time before that night, so the waiters didn't recognize us. They did recognize DG, and told him, "You're the best."

D called his cousin J to invite him to Surya with us. D started laughing when he got off the phone. Apparently part of the convo went something like this:

D: So what did you do on Halloween?
J: [in a really mellow voice] Yeah, that was crazy.

When D got off the phone, he wondered if J was stoned.

I don't really like Star Wars movies.

I'm currently reading Friends, Lovers and Chocolate by Alexander McCall Smith. It's really good. He writes from the female point of view so well, it's kind of suspicious. I guess not suspicious, but it's surprising.

I hate insomnia. I guess Madonna has it too. Maybe I should hang out with her or something. But I guess she's in England, riding horses.


Caro said…
Have you tried melatonin caplets or Tylenol PM? Neither are prescription if that is something you want to avoid.
Caro said…
Or maybe husband should give you a massage every night.
Bearette said…
Hmm, Lora recommended melatonin a while back. Is it available at CVS? Or is it more of a Whole Foods type thing?

D is actually a good masseur (is that a word? You always hear masseuse instead).
Lisa said…
Have you tried the ayurveda techniques from Yoga Journal? They sounded like they might be effective (a warm bath, foot massage, etc.).

I can sometimes put myself to sleep by reciting something (the rosary works for me, but other chants would probably be equally effective) or by visualizing knitting.
Bearette said…
Visualizing knitting...that sounds interesting. I'm kind of interested in knitting, but I think there are all these special rules for lefties.
Caro said…
Melatonin is even available at the drugstore, I think. If not, health food store. Word verification is mcfhfsh. mcfish!
Bearette said…
Sounds like a McDonald's entree ;)
Lora said…
Try melatonoin. It really helps.
Lish said…
I can't ever sleep either. I can't shake the efeects of Tylenol PM in the morning, and melatonin makes me nauseous.

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