Hi everyone, I made a recipe I haven't made in a while tonight. We had fallen out of touch, like old friends, but now we are reunited. I am now a convert to frozen spinach...easier to work with. And I'm thawing it in the microwave, like Lora recommended. I'll be trying her vegetarian lasagna soon (it's in her October archives if you feel like digging around).

Penne with spinach and chickpeas in garlic sauce (Jeanne Lemlin, Quick Vegetarian Pleasures)

1 10-ounce package of frozen spinach, thawed in the microwave
1 lb penne
1/3 c olive oil
6 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 t crushed red pepper flakes
2 medium tomatoes, cored and cut into 1/2-inch dice
1 15-oz can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1/4 t salt
1/4 c Parmesan (I used more)

Bring a 6-qt pot of water to boil and add the penne. Cook until al dente, 12 to 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the sauce. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes and chickpeas and cook 2 minutes more. Add the spinach, salt and 1/4 c boiling pasta water and stir well. Cook until heated through, about 3 minutes.

When the pasta is done, drain it thoroughly in a colander. Return it to the pot or put it in a large serving bowl. Spoon on the sauce and toss well. Sprinkle on the Parmesan cheese, toss again, and serve with additional cheese to pass at the table.

We're watching "How I Met Your Mother" right now. It's not the best show in the world, but I'm always pleasantly surprised when we watch it. Doogie Hawser, all grown up, is pretty funny. He has a snide persona, similar to his character in "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" (a fun movie if you haven't seen it). Another character, Lily (she's played by the Hannigan girl from the American Pie movies, I can't remember her first name for the life of me) is forced to make a 6-layer salad for her future-in-laws. Key ingredients are mayonnaise (16 cups!) and gummy bears.

P.S. I did some online shopping and I am now officially done with my Christmas shopping. THANK GOD. I think Bdogg inspired me with her vow to finish by Thanksgiving. My credit cards are groaning, assaulted by a huge wave of evil...but I'm done.


bdogg_mcgee said…
As Rachael Ray says: Yum-O!
Bearette said…
I just realized I mistyped the number of garlic cloves the first time...should be 6 cloves, not 3.

She's actually wearing a T-shirt that says Yum-O on the cover of her magazine ;)
Caro said…
Oh, that sounds delicious and easy. Love the pic too.
Bearette said…
It is ;) One of my faves.

I think I'm addicted to frozen spinach now. The texture is better and everything.
Lisa said…
That looks good. I might have to make that this weekend.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on finishing the shopping. In my family, we draw names, so we only have to buy for one person, and then we put a limit of $50, so no one goes broke. Makes it so much easier!
Anonymous said…
WAH... I have only purchased ONE christmas present! I'm way behind.

I've only seen it a couple of times, but I like Doogie's character on the new show. I didn't think I could ever see him as anything but an adorable nerd.

I think the actress's name is Allison... Hannigan?
Anonymous said…
Did you watch Doogie MD when it was on? I remember how he kept a daily journal on his computer, which I tried to copy. I also remember the big episode when he and his girlfriend (Wanda?) finally lost their virginity (virginities?).

Michelle said…
you can buy the yum-o shirt too. i need to see if there's one that says, "how good does THAT look?" as for the shopping, I'm *this* close. i'm going to do a push tomorrow, but I won't be done before t-day. oh well!
Ashley Beth said…
Wow - good job with Christmas presents. The dish looks/sounds lovely. I'm definitely copying that and trying at home next week! Thanks for sharing.
Bearette said…
KitKat - that is brilliant! Maybe I will see if my family wants to do that?

Liz - I think I only saw the show a few times. He has totally remade his image. If you rent Harold & Kumar, you'll never see him the same way again ;) I think you're right about the actress's name.

Lisa & New Mezger - I hope you like the penne! :)

Michelle - Good luck with the shopping. I shudder to think at how much I spent in total.
Caro said…
I tried to talk the family into drawing names and they acted like I was the Grinch. I guess I am the only one who minds going into debt. Sigh.

Word verification: fstlbany
Caro said…
Oos I meant - fstalbany. Is that in New York?
Bearette said…
It's in fstnewyork ;)
The Zombieslayer said…
"Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" (a fun movie if you haven't seen it).

I keep passing by this movie but never rented it. Okay, next time I pass by it, I'll pick it up. Could use a good laugh or two (and more ideas to steal ;).
Frema said…
This looks great! I'm going to get my boyfriend to make this for us after the holidays. :)

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