Sooo....I have some misinformation to correct! At tonight's writing class, the girl whose husband works for Warner Media was not there. The teacher thinks the girl is dropping the class because she didn't email her writing to the class and she didn't show up. BUT a girl who didn't make it last week came this time, and she works for In Touch. She says that:

Kristen Davis is not gay
John Travolta is not gay
Vince Vaughn is not gay

Carolyn will be glad to know the news about JT. I actually thought of JT today, eating one piece of pizza on top of the other in his white gabardine suit. (Is it gabardine? Not sure what gabardine is.) So I probably need to watch Saturday Night Fever soon. Have you noticed that most movies that end with a dance contest or even a solo dance sequence are awesome? Saturday Night Fever, Napoleon Dynamite and Flashdance come to mind. Save the Last Dance is definitely not of that caliber, but was enjoyable.

Another girl in class said she's still deciding what to write a novel about (she wasn't there last week). She mentioned writing a novel about her online dating experiences. Then she mentioned writing a novel about her time at adult fat camp and the class came alive! This girl R who was sitting next to me also went to fat camp, but she went by accident. Everyone looked shocked because she looks to be a size 4. Apparently, she went to an ashram seeking discipline, and then found out it was a fat camp. Everyone had to wear the same uniform and they could only eat fruit and veggies. She inadvertently lost weight. And apparently at fat camps everywhere there is a cute, male massage therapist that everyone has a crush on. The first girl said it was definitely a soap opera.

I still miss my iPod. I know, you're thinking, "Bearette, would you like some cheese with your whine?" but I don't know if I'll be able to get an appointment at the "genius" bar tomorrow. I thought I could sneakily make an appointment online when no one else is up, say 2 am, but they are onto me. You can only make an appointment online during store hours.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said…
gabardine n. < 'gáb&r"dEn > : 1. A firm durable fabric with a twill weave. [ETYM: Spanish gabardina; cf. Italian gavardina, Old Fren. galvardine, calvardine, gavardine, galeverdine; perh. akin to Spanish & Old Fren. gaban a sort of cloak or coat for rainy weather.] (Source -
Caro said…
You're not whining. You're used to having your iPod and you're getting crappy service, darn it. One time, my radio was stolen from my car and I kept reaching out to turn it on out of habit. I missed it. So I feel your pain.
Bearette said…
Thanks, C! And thanks, AT, for your careful definition. And what the heck is a lombrix, I wonder ???

Bearette said…
No more time slots available today, and it's only 10:14 am.


I am tempted to buy a new one...
bdogg_mcgee said…
:( Bastards!

I would gladly loan you mine if we lived near each other...I put some of that iPod bling on it and it looks fab!
Bearette said…
Thanks Bdogg! What bling did you use?
Lisa said…
Don't back down! Fight the man! Fight for your right to iPod!

Oh, and I notice you didn't make corrections for Nicole Kidman and Dolly Parton. So does that mean that they are gay?

I can see it being true for NK, but Dolly? Nah! That girl likes her cowboys.
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) Lisa, you have a good eye. I realized I forgot to mention Nicole Kidman. Turns out she is straight and has a boyfriend. We forgot to ask about good old Dolly ;)

The fight for the iPod continues. D has some software people working for him in India and he's going to ask them to go online at 6 am our time (4:30 pm their time) and book an appointment for me. The Apple store opens at 6 am, so if they're all booked at 6 am, there's gotta be something wrong with the site.

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