I just found three earplugs floating in the toilet. I don't know why this is blog-worthy, but somehow it is ;)


Caro said…
I can think of worse things to find floating in the toilet. My verification is elurxxx. Veddy interesting.
Anonymous said…
The toilet was tired of all the noise you were making I guess.
Bearette said…
Hehe...the toilet just wanted some peace and quiet.

I got a word verification recently that had "qtip" in it.
Anonymous said…
What's with all the stuff-you-stick-in-your-ears?
Bearette said…
I know, it's a theme!

We wear the earplugs b/c our apt is on the 5th floor and fairly loud at night. Maybe we'll move onto a higher floor someday, who knows.
The Zombieslayer said…
Heh. One of these days, I'll have to do a post about "Earplug Joe."

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