Today AT and I went to a yoga class and I felt like my mojo was back. It may have been because of the Dayquil.

AT: (seeing our teacher) She is ripped.
Bearette: Someday I'll have arms like that.
(high five)

This woman has arms like Madonna but with no body fat. Maybe 1% body fat. After class:

AT: That was great.
Bearette: Wasn't it good?
AT: She's like a drill sergeant, though. But I kinda like that.

The funny thing was, before class I thought: "She's kind of military. But AT will probably like that."

The class really did kick butt. I feel perfectly happy during yoga, except when I'm sick. I think it's because I'm not thinking or worrying about anything. Just moving.

Afterward AT, D and I went to Jackson Diner in Queens, which is yummy and cheap. They give you your weight in food for about $5. Okay, I'm exaggerating but the food-to-cost ratio is excellent and the food is yummy to boot. The garlic naan is to die fawr (imagine obnoxious accent here).

I also met one of the top three cutest dogs in the world on my way to yoga. This dog frequents the office across the hall from the yoga studio. He is a baby King Charles Cavalier cocker spaniel puppy and his name is Charlie. His fur is the softest thing in the world and he is beautiful. He was fascinated with my pink hood and sniffed it for several minutes. It is a marvel that I was not late for class.

I recently read a Lorrie Moore book, "Anagrams," where a character who's a professor asks her students to draw a picture of their soul, as they envisioned it when they were children. Then she wants their poetry, all semester, to reflect that. For me, it was so obvious: a small, fluffy puppy! What would you say?

Oh, and we didn't get to see Pride and Prejudice. Maybe next weekend, when it's in wider release. Right now it's "limited," so it's not showing at our friendly neighborhood theater, and it was late when we got back from Jackson Diner.


Anonymous said…
I can't imagine a military-like yoga instructor. As long she wasn't like, "There are only two things that come from Oklahoma--steers and queers," then I suppose it's okay :)
Ashley Beth said…
There is nothing on this planet cuter or more sweet than those King Charles puppies!!
I'm looking forward to your review on P&P.
Caro said…
You are a dog addict. That's not a bad thing. Dogs are one of my favorite pets.
Caro said…
BTW, there is a cycling class instructor who looks very military. She is buffed and she makes you work your booty off. I love her.
Bearette said…
Kit-Kat - hehe! AT actually thinks it's just her classroom persona. I think he's right...outside class she's all smiley and bakes cookies.

New Mezger - Yay! I kind of wanted to steal Charlie ;) I hope to see & review P&P soon.

Carolyn - Darn right. I'm kind of polygamist with dogs. I like to pat many of them.
The Zombieslayer said…
The class really did kick butt. I feel perfectly happy during yoga, except when I'm sick. I think it's because I'm not thinking or worrying about anything. Just moving.

I actually liked yoga. We had a wonderful yoga instructor. She actually came over to our house with her hubby once for one of the Zombieslayer bar-be-ques. But the time was wrong, and had to discontinue it. :(

Both Mrs. Z and I got a lot out of it though while we did it.
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) As of December, I'll be certified to teach at BBQs and other venues :) Are zombies roasted at Zombieslayer BBQs?

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