Just a quick note before I go to yoga school. Last night TN and I went to Wai, which has sort of multi-cuisine vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. We split a plate of veggie dumplings (well, I had most of 'em; TN weighs less than 100 lbs ;) and then I had a veggie burger and a little salad with their trademark carrot ginger dressing. Then we saw Prime. For the most part, I liked the movie. My biggest complaint was the sound. It seemed very soft to me. And the audience was a little rowdy. Sometimes they would keep laughing and we would miss whole chunks of dialogue. Oh well.

It wasn't the most intelligent script ever, and the characters weren't really well developed, but it was a solid B+. I like chick flicks a lot so there may be some grade inflation. I found the basic concept of the movie (older woman dates younger man; the man's mom is the woman's therapist; the man is Jewish, the woman is not) interesting enough to hold my attention. I do find it unrealistic though that Uma Thurman's character was doing well enough financially to have an ENORMOUS apartment on Three Fifth Ave (probably a fictitious address) and still have oodles of time to play with her boy toy. Also, the boy was kind of a dork. Not that that's a bad thing, but he played Nintendo all the time. I can kind of see why a 14-year-age gap, especially with the guy being younger, is not a good thing.

T slept over on the couch. In the morning we went to Bright Food Shop and both got cornmeal pecan griddlecakes with bananas. They were awesome. Really tender and fluffy. I saw a baby pug outside and ran outside to pat it. The owner was carrying it in a Puppia harness. She explained that pugs have broad chests and the other harnesses chafe them. The pug licked my hand and then my nose like there was no tomorrow.

Yesterday at yoga school, we did forward bends. I was a bit overzealous. I think I gave my hamstrings the workout of their lives. There is one forward bend where you have your legs stretched out in front of you, and you're sitting up. Then you extend your hands until you're holding your heels and your face is pressing against your knees. Then you can have someone else lie on your back (they're looking up to the ceiling) and they stretch back and grab your toes. It feels unbelievable. The other person asked, "Does that hurt?" I said, "No...oh, WOW..." and everybody started laughing. Then, 'cause I'm a greedy Bearette, I had to do it 4 times. I couldn't be the one "on top" though because my partner for this exercise couldn't get her head to her knees. Oh well. It felt good at the time, now I'm regretting it a little. I should probably only have done it once.


Caro said…
I bet it would feel "unbelievable." Ouch.
Caro said…
I can get my head to my knees if I'm sitting in a chair. Woo hoo.
Anonymous said…
Nice photo
Anonymous said…
Pugs are so cute. Alex has a pug friend named Oliver. :-)
Bearette said…
How is his girlfriend doing? ;)
Lisa said…
Saturday was the monthly pug gathering at the dog park. Dozens of the little guys running around.

Rowen, who is not a pug, tried to join in the fun, but there was a pug bouncer who kept chasing her out!

There was also an itty bitty little white dog---might have been a Jack Russell---who kept trying to mount Rowen. Except the little dog was (a) female, (b) too short, and (c) unclear on the concept. She would hop up on Rowen's side and try to do her thing!
Anonymous said…
His girlfriend is doing well. Every time we walk Alex he wants to go down her street. Then he sits in front of their building, yearning for her.

It is so darn cute.
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) A pug bouncer! And a confused Jack Russell terrier! That is the stuff of a great blog entry ;)

I think pugs are very social. I was talking with the owner of the pug I met, and she said about the pug, "She just went to her first pug get-together, and she slept all afternoon!" ;)
Bearette said…
Liz - that is sweet! i love the idea of doggy romance. And theirs seems very pure, somehow ;)

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