In case you're wondering, some people found their way to my blog today by searching for:

"Gwyneth Paltrow in gray dress" (I posted about her new pregnancy recently, but no gray dress was mentioned or depicted).

"What can be made out of potatoes?"


bdogg_mcgee said…
Did you get your appt. at the Dumbass, I mean Genius bar?
Anonymous said…
I know what can be made with sweet potatoes! Tonight I'm making the sweet potato-peanut soup. I've been sick all this week and soup sounds good to me. Last night we went out for some spicy Indian and that helped clear my head a little bit!

And my methods for getting to sleep when it seems impossible are either Benadryl or a glass of wine. Just don't use both at the same time... ;-)
Bearette said…
Bdogg - Hehe! No, they are evil. It turns out ProCare customers can book a spot 7 days in advance. So the bar was actually booked at 6 am. It costs $99 to be a ProCare member. So the whole thing is a racket. I'm going to try mailing it in to Apple - I think they say you can do that on their website. D is pretty sure it's under warranty, though neither of us are sure when I got it. And it looks like the colored iPod minis have been discontinued :(

Liz - I'm so happy you're making that soup! It's really awesome. And sorry to hear that you're sick.

Sadly, I am an old veteran of Benadryl, and it no longer works for me. And wine actually keeps me up even later. There's something weird about my body chemistry where almost everything is a stimulant. I should probably be a subject in a sleep experiment. Nah, I'm sure I'd sleep even worse under laboratory conditions ;)
Michelle said…
i know! it's funny what kind of searches kick up your blog posts. i haven't looked in a while, but some of them were just odd...
Anonymous said…
Bearette-- the soup was great. The chopped peanut garnish definitely makes the dish! This is similar to a sweet potato-mango soup I make, but the mangos make that one sweeter.
Bearette said…
Great! I'm glad you like it. The mango version sounds good, too.

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