Hi everybody! I think this is the longest I've gone without blogging since I started this thingy in June. D has used his computer wizardry to get a faster connection somehow. I got knocked out by some kind of allergies/cold, but the urge to blog came today. I have pictures, but I'll have to put them up later since I don't have the cord with me.

Thursday: We went to my brother and SIL's house. My brother plied us with brussels sprout soda and turkey and gravy soda. I kid you not. I didn't have any. I also passed up the pie! I did have roasted veggies, butternut squash, and baked ziti (which I made in the morning). I learned that Valerie Bertinelli got my brother through junior high. I'm 11 years younger than him - I didn't even know who she was! My sister brought her new dog Chloe over to join in. She is actually smaller than my brother and SIL's standard poodle. The standard poodle, Shelby, is extremely dominant. She started humping Chloe right away! Shame! Chloe is extremely sweet and good-natured.

Friday: We went to my brother and SIL's house again because it was my niece's birthday. She turned 10! She received many, many books, including a beautiful hardcover edition of The Secret Garden from D. I gave her The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke (one of her favorite authors) and Bend It Like Beckham, which she wanted. D also gave my nephew some presents, so he wouldn't feel left out. One of the presents was a book called "97 Ways to Make a Dog Smile." My nephew immediately started trying out the ways on his dog, and wrote down which ones worked and which ones didn't. My niece got a writing journal (I think it was from my mom) and immediately started writing a story called "The Spoiled Kitten," I think from the kitten's point of view. The piece de resistance was an awesome cake that my SIL's mother brought over. My SIL's mother knows a woman who makes cakes in her church basement. These cakes are amazing - buttercream frosting, moist chocolate on the inside, just fabulous. They are the best cakes in the world. The woman's husband left her. WHY?????

Saturday: That's today, I guess. I went on a 2-hour walk, partially with my mom (she got tired and turned around). New England can be very beautiful and treesy, with a carpet of fallen leaves, but I got extremely allergic afterward.

Other news: D and I will probably go to Miami for a week in February.

I am looking forward to catching up on all your blogs and comments! It sounds like a lot of you are sick or congested too, so feel better :)


Caro said…
Welcome back. I ate my pie and yours.
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) Did you have pumpkin cheesecake too? That sounded good.
Anonymous said…
Wasn't Valerie married to some famous rock star? I'll have to remember to ask M when he gets home.

Glad you had a good visit with family!
Bearette said…
Thanks! You are right, my brother said, "Why did she marry Eddie Van Halen, when she could have had me?" I guess he really liked her ;)

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