I finished My Friend Leonard. I did like it, just not as much as A Million Little Pieces. Also, I read the review of My Friend Leonard at www.nypl.org (New York Public Library website) and they had a list of topics that the book was about, so the "secret" wasn't a huge shock for me. And Poppy, the book got me a little teary...but it was the part about Cassius, not the end. I dunno.

I still wish Lilly had lived.

When I just went to Amazon to do my links, I just saw that A Million Little Pieces has been chosen as an Oprah book. I have mixed feelings about it. I guess more people will read it now, but some people will dismiss it because some of Oprah's choices are not the best. We'll see.


bdogg_mcgee said…
I'll have to pick up "A Million Little Pieces," (no pun intended).

Yeah, when Oprah picked Faulkner for her summer book club, I was floored. That's just not something I can see the populace reading.

Hell, I have a degree in English and Faulkner still gives me fits!
Bearette said…
I have no use for Faulkner either.

Lisa said…
Interesting. I thought Oprah was through with living authors after the Jonathon Franzen thing.

A Million Little Pieces is somewhere in the towering pile of books to be read. Someday, my body will be found, crushed by a pile of unread books and Vanity Fairs.
Poppy said…
I was in the airport waiting for Mr. Poppy to arrive home when I was reading about Cassius. I got so shaken up that I had to skip that fateful page. I never went back to it.

I stopped reading Oprah's recommended books a long time ago, not for any particular reason. I am not into Faulkner either. It just reminds me of required reading in HS.

Bearette, can you share what you liked so much about Million? I loved hearing about the friendships he formed and his fits of overeating. My favorite part was the Lucy love story, but then ending part where she goes off into the world is very disturbing. If it weren't based on a true story I would consider it unbelievable. :(
Poppy said…
Did I say Lucy? Freudian slip, I meant Lilly. Lucy is some girl who stole one of my boyfriends in college.(Good riddance!)
Bearette said…
I guess I loved Million because of the James/Lilly connection. Lilly felt very real to me, and for some reason I related to her though our lives were very different. And there was something very pure about their love that I liked. I liked how they could be so innocent in such a place, and how the rehab center became a place of rebirth. I feel like that's where James really found himself, not through any 12-step process but through the lifelong friends he made. I bet he feels a connection to Lilly even today.
bdogg_mcgee said…
Oh, Lisa, I know what you mean about your body being found under a pile of books. My hold list at the library is so long, and I don't know when I'll ever get to reading all the books on my shelves.

At least if the world ends and there's no TV or live entertainment (besides my husband, of course), at least I'll never run out of things to read!
bdogg_mcgee said…
Happy Birthday Bearette's Husband!!
Bearette said…
Thanks Bdogg!
Poppy said…
Bearette, I totally agree with you. Because he talked so emphatically about his love for her, I just assumed they ended up together, as recovering addicts. In Leonard James had some really strong relationships too, and I got fooled every single time... He's really good at explaining love in relationships!

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