Friday meme

A meme from Grown*Up Girlie's blog.

What color is most reflective of you? Pink.

How did you get the idea for your journal name? A high school friend and I always used to sing, "Potatoes in the mist, exchanging glances." I guess we were ripping off (riffing off?) Frank Sinatra. She even wrote "Potatoes in the mist exchange their glances" under her yearbook photo, though I like "exchanging glances" better.

What time were you born? 9:49 am

What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? Not playing anything right now.

Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? No

What color underwear are you wearing? None, I'm in my jammies. TMI?

Do you want a baby? As I get older, I want one less and less. I know, it's horrible...but a lot of people who have kids seem really stressed out.

What is your pet's name? I don't have one, but my former dog was Pepper.

What color are your bedsheets? Green (they're my husband's sheets).

What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? 224

What was the last concert you attended? I can't remember, but I think it was Sting in 2000. It was a free concert in Central Park!

Who was with you? My college roommate, T.

What was the last movie you saw? Just Like Heaven.

What food are you craving right now? Nothing in particular.

Did you dream last night? No

What was the last tv show you watched? Donald Trump's Apprentice.

What is your fave piece of jewelry? My engagement ring.

What is to the left of you? My bedside table. It has several remotes, a water glass, a teacup, a list of things to do, and The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith on it.

What was the last thing you ate? 5 dates

Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? D

Who last imed you? I've never IM'd. I'm an email person.

Where is your significant other right now? Sitting next to me, typing on his computer. One of his employees just resigned and he's a little sad about it.

When was the last time you cut your hair? August. I used to cut it once a year or so. Now I'm going to try to get it cut every 3 months.

Are you on any meds? Allergy meds (Claritin, sometimes Benadryl).

Do you have a mental disease? Nope

What shirt are you wearing? Pink cami from Urban Outfitters

What time is it? 12:22 pm

What color is your razor? pink

What's your favorite shopping store? Old Navy, I'll admit it.

Are you thirsty? Yes, I could use a drink of water. I think I'll get one when I'm done with this meme.

Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Already married.

I love tagging, but no pressure...this time I'll tag Jules, Bdogg, Ms. Dork, Liz and Lisa.


bdogg_mcgee said…
I beat you to it by 26 minutes!!!


I realized, though, that I deleted a question--the one about how I came to name my blog. Well, I'd been reading blogs of my friends for a couple of years now and decided that I would give it a go. I figured that everyone was doing it, so I'd "jump on the bandwagon"
Liz said…
I always wondered about your blog name.

Is "Potatoes in the Mist" at all related to "Gorillas in the Mist," and then you put it to Sinatra? That's where I thought it had come from.

But I like the idea of romantic crooner potatoes.
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) These are definitely romantic crooner potatoes...I graduated high school in '93 and Gorillaz was not yet born...
Anonymous said…
I'm a little behind here, but I'm doing it...

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