Friday news

One of my blogfriends is in Italy, and I miss her. And her dog. I know, it's silly.

Anyway, if anyone's reading...I know it's Labor Day weekend...I just ordered a digital camera! This means more pix on my blog (given that I can figure out how to use it). I may even update my profile picture to one that's not fuzzy. D's camera phone is fun but has serious limitations.

I didn't get it at Amazon...I used's lowest price feature to find it cheaper at Digital Foto. (I hate those misspellings ;) Anyway, Digital Foto slapped on a $14.64 tax and $4.95 for shipping, which means I only got it for 50 cents cheaper than at Amazon...but heck, it's better than nothing.

I also got a new cookbook, Serene Cuisine, from my yoga center. It looks quite yummy. Vegetarian recipes with an Indian/Thai slant. They also look fairly simple, aside from some exotic ingredients (asafetida, anyone?)

I'll be in the Poconos on Saturday, returning Sunday. I don't like the Poconos that much but my in-laws have a summer house there and I owe them a visit. We're going to watch Party Girl on their new big screen.

Tonight we're going to have dinner with our friend AT, who is freshly returned from Spain. He just hiked across a big chunk of that country and ate a lot of gazpacho, among other things.

I'm currently reading The Kalahari Typing School for Men by Alexander McCall Smith. It's just as cute and charming as the other books in the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. They're much less mysteries than "slice of life" books, and it's pretty interesting because they take place in Botswana, a country I didn't know much about before. So...I recommend them!

I'm going to yoga twice today because a) it's free, b) i dig it and c) I'll miss it in the Poconos, where it's not available.


Bearette said…
You're right, I am so out of it ;)
Anonymous said…


Ken and Joel are spammers, you should delete the entrys.

that is all for now(-=
Bearette said…
I know, they are evil. I turned on word verification to defeat them.

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