D called about half an hour ago. He and our friend Mike are staying at a Howard Johnson off the New Jersey interstate and they're going to Applebee's for dinner ;) I myself had one of Rachael Ray's stirfrys, and it was quite delicious.

A bit of backstory. D's cousin is getting married this weekend in Philly. Due to yoga Nazis, I cannot attend the wedding. D decided to bike to Philly for the wedding, which is tomorrow night. Mike decided to accompany him. Whether Mike will crash the wedding is as yet unseen.

Yoga class was good today. It was taught by one of the directors, but I still loved the motions of it and worked up a good sweat. Afterward we did adjustments, which I'm getting more comfortable with. I am still more comfortable adjusting women than men though.

Last night we went to Grimaldi's for D's birthday. Grimaldi's is widely considered to be the best pizzeria in the 5 boroughs and it usually lives up to its reputation. I had a glass of wine, which kept me up to 3 am, but I think I'm safe in saying a good time was had by all.

The conversations were so far-ranging I'm not sure which to include here. A sampling:

1) What women want. DG posited: a man who is confident, will protect them, take charge, make them feel safe. I interjected: they can't take too much charge, though. Then you have a Donald Trump situation.

2) Narcissism. I personally think it's a faulty construct. One of the guys at the party felt he was one, but after I did a little Internet reading, I don't think the label fits.

3) Which is better, Desperate Housewives or Sex in the City? I like Desperate Housewives, but DG felt it was like Sex in the City minus 20 IQ points. D likes Desperate Housewives, since he found SJP criminally annoying, and J said he likes Desperate Housewives better than his wife does.

4) What makes people friends. D said: 1) proximity and 2) each friend has to like something about the other, though it doesn't have to be the same thing.

5) John Updike. I met him when I was working at a movie theater one summer during college. He went to see Tin Cup; I was unimpressed with his movie choice. In person he seemed benign and not too pervy, but I can't say I like his fiction. He's one of those for-male-only writers. Except for The Witches of Eastwick, which was kind of cool.


Anonymous said…
"What is this device, Q?"

"It's a Downward-Dog Micro-Missile Launcher, James. Here, let me demostrate...aah, I'm afraid I've become too stiff to get into the pose. You'll find out for yourself how it works."

"And the yoga mat?"

"Has the explosive power of 150 tons of TNT. Just insert a burning stick of incense into the hidden slot to prime it."

"You've done it again, Q. I'm off to trade this tuxedo in for some loose-fitting, breathable clothes."

"James...be careful. From what I understand, these YOGA NAZIS play for keeps."

"Don't worry about me, Q. I understand they're mostly women."

*cue theme music*

Bearette said…
Hehe :)

I think someone has watched Dr. No too many times ;)
Lora said…
I love D's shirt.

Sucks that you couldn't attend the wedding, but it sounds like you bore it with grace.
Bearette said…
Isn't it cute? D is a bit of a cookie monster, though a peaceful one ;)

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