Of Streisand and Redford

I watched The Way We Were today while D took one of his mammoth bike rides, after I got back from yoga. I knew he didn't want to see it. And it was free! From the library! How beautiful.

Anyway, this movie has some unintentionally campy elements, especially the dialogue, which made it fun to watch. It was one of those movies (see also: Romeo and Juliet with Leo DiCaprio and Claire Danes) where the man is prettier than the woman, and the man gets objectified. You know those moments when men see women in movies and their eyes get big and round and dreamy? Well, that happens here, but it happens when Streisand sees Redford snoring gently at a bar.

There were some great lines in it:

Streisand: It shouldn't be this easy.
Redford: Are you saying you're easy? Compared to what? The Hundred Years' War?

I also thought it was interesting to see a movie where the woman's looks had very little to do with the romance. There are many differing opinions on Babs:

My male writing teacher: I've always thought she was very sexy.
My brother: Barbra Streisand is difficult to look at.

I saw 2 of her movies before this, The Mirror Has Two Faces and Meet the Fockers, both of which I enjoyed. I couldn't understand why she had such a reputation for being difficult. This mystery is cleared up by The Way We Were. She had a lot of spark and ambition, but she was definitely a pain in Redford's butt. And more interesting than him at the same time (though he was more attractive).


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