A burning question

This post is of a practical nature. I grew up with an electric oven. Now, we have a gas oven, which D bought used and is of a temperamental nature. For a while, only the two burners on the right worked. Now, only the two burners on the left work. Does anyone know how I can remedy the situation? I would love to have an oven that is firing on all cylinders.

Thank you!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
You might want to check to make sure that the pilot light isn't out on your gas burners, bearette. If the pilot light goes out on a burner, it won't work, but it will leak gas into your apartment. The gas is usually odorless, flammable, and toxic. It prabably won't hurt you in small quantities, but you should be careful to let it go too long unlit - assuming, of course, that this is actually the problem.

Thinking of you and D,
Bearette said…
Thanks Allen! I called maintenance and they're going to check it out. This means I have to stay in the apt from 1 to 5, but it's probably worth it.
Michelle said…
that happened to us, sorta.... hubby was cleaning the burners with some oven cleaner and the clogged them up. which is why i don't let hubby clean with too many chemicals anymore. i hope you get it all worked out.
Bearette said…
Thanks Michelle! I am waiting here, twiddling my thumbs, for maintenance to come.

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