The 40-year-old virgin

You must see it! Really. It started out as a conventional lowbrow comedy, with some interesting quirks, and then became increasingly creative and interesting until it was just great. I loved it. So did D. Everyone who came out of the theater was smiling.

Other than that: we went to Thailand Restaurant for dinner, where I had salad and vegetable fried rice. We split a Starbucks cookie afterward and walked 2 miles or so to the theater. We stopped by Barnes & Noble and I bought a book called, "Cooking for Mr. Right" (fiction, not an actual guide!). All the same, when I got to the cashiers, and a man and a woman said "Hi," I went to the woman's cash register. Too embarrassing to buy it from a guy. When D caught up with me, the woman cashier said, "Is he Mr. Right?" and I said yes. She had an interesting accent I couldn't place.

Anyway, see the movie!


Lora said…
Caught my eye, but couldn't talk the hubster into it. Will give it another try.
Bearette said…
He's an INTJ, right? You could tell him it's actually intelligent ;) Not so much in the beginning, but it gets increasingly clever as it goes along. And the very end of the movie...I think it's when the credits are hilarious.
Lisa said…
I was a little hesitant to see that movie, but the last five minutes made the price of the ticket entirely worth it.
Bearette said…
It was an awesome ending! *This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius*


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