I was aggro (our friend N taught me that word; short for aggravated) tonight because I got a rejection slip via e-mail from One Story. They sent me a really nice rejection slip for another story, telling me they really liked it and inviting me to send more, so I did, and then I got a really cold rejection slip for it. D reassured me that the story that got the cold slip is really good and no magazine editor's opinion could make him think otherwise. Thanks D :) It's a good thing most of my rejections are encouraging/personalized, because I always get knocked back by the cold ones. I think the most important thing is to just keep doing it, writing and sending. At this point I'm kind of writing for myself, not to please the editors or anything. It's really kind of a compulsion.
I was also saddened by a blog I read...some guy who bragged to his girlfriend about a wild party he went to (he exaggerated; he actually left after weird stuff started happening at the party, but he told the girlfriend he was at the party till 4 a.m. He really left at 2). Anyway, she was convinced he cheated on her and nothing could convince her otherwise. He wrote a bunch of really dark thoughts, including how he knew he would mess it up anyway because he messes up everything he tries, and it kind of depressed me. Anyway, D said the guy may feel really bad now, but things will work out for him in the long run and maybe the guy should arrange a singing-gram for the girlfriend to try to bring her around. It's cute, I don't think it will work, but it made me feel a little better on the guy's behalf.
Till tomorrow...
I was also saddened by a blog I read...some guy who bragged to his girlfriend about a wild party he went to (he exaggerated; he actually left after weird stuff started happening at the party, but he told the girlfriend he was at the party till 4 a.m. He really left at 2). Anyway, she was convinced he cheated on her and nothing could convince her otherwise. He wrote a bunch of really dark thoughts, including how he knew he would mess it up anyway because he messes up everything he tries, and it kind of depressed me. Anyway, D said the guy may feel really bad now, but things will work out for him in the long run and maybe the guy should arrange a singing-gram for the girlfriend to try to bring her around. It's cute, I don't think it will work, but it made me feel a little better on the guy's behalf.
Till tomorrow...
I'm no 'Count DeLuxo' but I, also, feel for your recent battlewounds. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.
i got a nice one from Night Train which made up for it.