I'm not feeling writerly today. In fact, I'm mildly irritated. Maybe it's because tonight is my last writing class for a while (my teacher is taking the summer off, and the other teachers are (a) known far and wide for rushing through 3 people's stories in a hour and a half, and not commenting on their work; or (b) only write about mud; or (c) only write about albinos and blondes. Needless to say, I'm passing.

Tried a new yoga teacher at the nearby center today. One woman in the class tried to leave, and the teacher seemed to want her to stay, so the student dragged her mat near the door and lay down. As soon as the teacher was in a handstand, the student snuck out.

I want a puppy. I'd like to get a Yorkshire terrier, a West Highland terrier, a Cairn terrier, and a Wheaton terrier. Those are the big, wiggly ones.


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