Two of my book reviews ("Dixieland Sushi" and "The Wives of Bath") are published on You can click on the covers at the homepage. R (site creator) emailed me asking for more! Now I can say I've been published somewhere in my cover letters, when I send stories to lit mags :) I figure the story that was published in a newspaper when I was in high school doesn't count. Or maybe it does? My friend G says she still has it in her scrapbook, which is cool.

D and I had Sunshine Burgers with melted Muenster for lunch. Mmm. You can only get Sunshine Burgers at Whole Foods.

In other news, one of my yoga teachers is pregnant! 15 weeks along. Hence, I have no rooftop yoga this summer. It's a good thing I have another yoga center to go to...I wonder how long she will keep teaching.

I read that you only need about 300 extra calories a day if you're pregnant, but Britney Spears is eating to beat the band. Us Magazine says she is having a couple of 1000-calorie chocolate milkshakes a day (in addition to God knows what else). Some nutritionist said her baby will be born with hardened arteries if she doesn't start eating healthy.


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